: Other than changing the length, did you do anything to the width of the
: Little Auk? This is exactly the kind of thing I am looking at doing. How
: much weight can it take before you start to feel too overloaded?
: It looks very nice.
Thank you, & I only added about 3/4" to the total beam, I spread the standard forms that I bought from Guillemot Kayaks to about 13 3/4" and made 4 more forms adding a little size as I got to the middle, It was a little fun as I had to take it all back apart a few times after I tried to run the first strip and could see the 4 inside forms were way to wide to keep the lines "sweet" As for the weight I haven't had much in it as my wife only weighs 113lb + my 198lb of... well its not all muscle, It handled great, no wake behind me and a lot smoother than my long disposed of canoe. With me alone it glides along even better. We will soon see how fishing goes. The "Little Big Auk" is 29" wide, & stable enough to take my 4 year old niece out with out concern.
I told Nick this might open up a new market for him... I'm sure Nick has the software to design this one with out the trial & error. ( Nick... Are ya there?)
(then maybe he will owe me a commission)
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk" *LINK*
Dave -- 2/26/2003, 12:05 am- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
Tom -- 2/28/2003, 7:59 am- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
Dave -- 2/28/2003, 7:57 pm
- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
Chris Moore -- 2/26/2003, 8:16 pm- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
Dave -- 2/26/2003, 9:22 pm
- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
- Well done
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 2/26/2003, 2:42 pm - Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
Scott Ferguson -- 2/26/2003, 12:37 pm - Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
srchr/gerald -- 2/26/2003, 11:23 am- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
Dave -- 2/26/2003, 11:44 am
- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"
- Re: Strip: 16' Stretched "Little Auk"