Re: Tools: Steam bending works! *LINK* *Pic*
In Response To: Tools: Steam bending works! *Pic* (Chris Moore)
: ...If you happen to have one of these things around
: your house, try it for steaming wood!
Chris :
That was interesting... good for you! I found it necessary to steam my ash strips in making stem/stern pieces for my boats, and for the lips on my Schade-style coamings. It might be noted that, as a bachelor, I have never owned much in the way of house cleaning equipment. I used a wet wash rag and electric iron on my victims, which certainly did the trick.
What I'm wondering now is whether it is legal to put a Nick Schade coaming on a CLC Mill Creek? Hope so, for it certainly looks grand.
Kurt Maurer

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Steam bending works! *Pic*
Chris Moore -- 3/3/2003, 1:00 pm- Re: Tools: Steam bending works!
Mark Normand -- 3/5/2003, 8:57 pm- Re: Tools: Steam bending works!
Brian Nystrom -- 3/6/2003, 1:23 pm- Re: Tools: Steam bending works!
steve hartmann -- 3/6/2003, 8:22 am- Re: Stems
Ed Falis -- 3/5/2003, 10:36 pm - Re: Tools: Steam bending works!
- Re: Tools: Steam bending works! *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 3/3/2003, 8:35 pm- Re: Tools: Steam bending works!
Dave -- 3/3/2003, 8:56 pm
- Re: Tools: Steam bending works!
- Re: Tools: Steam bending works!