: Can you reliable convert lofting dimensions for a stitch and glue kayak (or
: canoe) to a SOF boat? I was thinking of using something similar to Putz'
: forms but am curious if the S&G dimensions would translate well to a hard
: chined SOF. If I use more chines, would that increase my chances of
: success?
: Another note, which wood seems to bend the best for SOF kayaks? Can I use
: regular wood glue to scarf my joints or should I only use some sort of
: epoxy?
The S&G hull can easily be converted to a non-traditional SOF by taking off
cross section offsets every couple of feet or so. ( see pic)
The only issue that may arise is the gap between the keel and chines. You may
want to consider an extra set of chines only if the gap at the widest interval
exceeds 10" or so. Otherwise, I have found that the skin "concave" gets a bit
excessive. On the Combi-Double/Single folder, I've added an extra set of
chines for double use, but remove them for single paddling. (See LINK)
I've used redwood, cedar, and pine for stringers on this type kayak with
plwood cross sections. Screw and glue (Epoxy) is used for stem/stern
connections, and squidding line/epoxy for stringer to cross section

Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Converting S&G to SOF
Tom -- 3/4/2003, 1:51 pm- Please clarify: are you building S-O-F or S&G?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/4/2003, 10:13 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Converting S&G to SOF
Eric -- 3/4/2003, 4:50 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Converting S&G to SOF *LINK* *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 3/4/2003, 2:37 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Converting S&G to SOF
sing -- 3/4/2003, 5:44 pm- sof to s&g to sof to
mike allen -- 3/4/2003, 6:32 pm- Re: sof to s&g to sof to
sing -- 3/5/2003, 11:30 am- Re: sof to s&g to sof to
mike allen -- 3/5/2003, 11:34 am- Re: sof to s&g to sof to
sing -- 3/5/2003, 2:08 pm- Re: sof to s&g to sof to
mike allen -- 3/5/2003, 2:42 pm
- Re: sof to s&g to sof to
- Re: sof to s&g to sof to
- Re: sof to s&g to sof to
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Converting S&G to SOF
Tom Yost -- 3/4/2003, 6:02 pm - Re: sof to s&g to sof to
- sof to s&g to sof to
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Converting S&G to SOF
- Please clarify: are you building S-O-F or S&G?