Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: breakaway forms
By:Paul G. Jacobson
Date: 3/6/2003, 9:08 pm
In Response To: Strip: breakaway forms (leif olson)

: Hey Nick! So I have two questions for you, they are both probably painfully
: obvious. The first concerns the breakaway forms. I am building a Guillemot
: and have everthing lofted out but on my 3 cockpit forms they have no top.
: I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but in your book the offsets for
: forms 8,9,10 are missing the numbers to complete the top portion (the
: breakaway portion). My other problem (concerning the boat anyway!)is the
: cutout for the bow form, where do you measure from? One the stern you
: measure up from the DWL but the bow shows the cutout floating somewear
: above the DWL. So those are my two major problems right now, Like I said
: I'm probably missing something totally obvious. Thanks for the help. Say
: I'm also doing some carving on my boat do you have any ideas on how best
: to attach a small carved prow piece? Leif ;)

As I understand, there are no specs for those forms because no strips go there. that is where the cockpit goes.

You can do what you want there. Some people just bridge the gap and cut out the cockpit. Others let their strips run past the form.

A drop or two of epoxy (or more if necessary) should hold your carving in place very neatly.

If you are using an external stem piece at the end, you can fit it,(but not install it) and then use screws coming from the "inside" part of the stem spiece to secure your carving to the stem piece. Then install the stem piece with screws driven into recessed holes. Fill the recess with a plug or dowel from matching wood, sand flush and seal with epoxy.

Hope this helps.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: breakaway forms
leif olson -- 3/5/2003, 8:48 pm
Re: Strip: breakaway forms
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/6/2003, 9:08 pm