: Does anyone have any thoughts regarding the use of electric planes on strip
: built kayaks
Perhaps I know how you feel(?). I have a shop chock full of really cool power tools, and nothing warms my little heart better than screaming carbide blowing hurricanes of chips all over everything. But as a first-time boat builder, the following has been my experience:
On a kayak, forget it. The random orbital sander and shop vac will be about as close as you get. Even my drill press has been relegated to duty as a paper towel dispenser, for crying out loud. It's awful! Problem is, you no sooner apply the roaring tool to the boat than the boat vanishes in a cloud of sawdust. It is simply too much.
On the plus side of things, you will soon learn to love working "the old-fashioned way", or at least I managed to. If you are an experienced woodworker who has always used the modern electric and/or pneumatic miracles of raw horsepower, you are in for a really pleasant, and quiet, surprise. This has been the chief revelation I have received by trying my hand at boat making, and it is wondrous.
Kurt (By Hand) Maurer

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: power planes
David Humphries -- 3/9/2003, 4:09 am- Great for a Greenland paddle
Jay Babina -- 3/11/2003, 8:20 am- Belt sander almost as good...
Don Beale -- 3/12/2003, 4:28 pm
- planers make good strips better
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/10/2003, 9:22 pm- Another great idea ,from the man of many *NM*
Don Lucas -- 3/10/2003, 10:09 pm
- Re: Tools: power planes *LINK*
Steve Frederick -- 3/9/2003, 1:47 pm- Re: Tools: power planes *NM*
David Humphries -- 3/9/2003, 5:55 pm
- Re: Tools: power planes
srchr/gerald -- 3/9/2003, 11:52 am- Re: Tools: power planes *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 3/9/2003, 11:25 am- Re: Tools: power planes
Mike Scarborough -- 3/9/2003, 8:53 am- Re: Tools: power planes
Don Lucas -- 3/9/2003, 9:50 am
- Belt sander almost as good...
- Great for a Greenland paddle