Date: 3/10/2003, 10:55 am
: Greetings: It has been a big day for Leslie and I: The first launch of our
: first boat! There is still a lot of work to be done, but the weather was
: nice and everything on the boat is coated with schmoo... So we snuck it
: out of the shop for a few hours.
: It ain't exactly a Cirrus, but then, little doubt exists that this group is
: far too noble to say anything about that. At any rate, we wholly consider
: it a grand little vessel, for we built her ourselves.
: I would offer a performance report, but having only paddled a 10-foot
: Tupperware tub previously, it would most likely be worthless. Suffice it
: to say we are delighted with it, and had a perfect blast!
: Oh, and the duct tape really wowed 'em!
: Cheers!
: Kurt & Leslie
A perfect blast indeed! Way to go, congrads!
Going to get the dictionary and lookup noble.
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: A Mill Creek 13 *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 3/7/2003, 10:07 pm- Re: Launching: A Mill Creek 13
David Hanson -- 3/10/2003, 10:55 am- Re: And on the eigth day God created Duct Tape
Roger Nuffer -- 3/8/2003, 1:35 pm- Funniest Site on the Web! *NM*
Gordon Snapp -- 3/8/2003, 1:19 am- Re: Launching: A Mill Creek 13
srchr/gerald -- 3/7/2003, 10:24 pm - Re: And on the eigth day God created Duct Tape
- Re: Launching: A Mill Creek 13