Great weather you're having there 

By:charles w
Date: 3/11/2003, 7:21 am
Date: 3/11/2003, 7:21 am
In Response To: Other: Car Top Security *Pic* (Dave Houser)
: Last week I said I would post a picture of how I lock my kayak to the roof of
: my car. So here it is.
Along with some green green grass and some fine fine weather, eh?
Anyway... Hey! Dave! How'd you make the rack???
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Car Top Security *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 3/11/2003, 1:47 am- Is that a Yare? *NM*
Brian Nystrom -- 3/11/2003, 1:00 pm- Re: Yes a Yare *NM* *LINK*
Dave Houser -- 3/11/2003, 2:39 pm
- Great weather you're having there
charles w -- 3/11/2003, 7:21 am- Re: Great weather you're having there
*LINK* *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 3/14/2003, 9:39 am- Nice rack...
charles w -- 3/14/2003, 5:51 pm- Re: Nice rack...
Dave Houser -- 3/14/2003, 7:20 pm
- Re: Nice rack...
- Nice rack...
- Re: Yes a Yare *NM* *LINK*
- Is that a Yare? *NM*