Date: 3/12/2003, 6:01 pm
: There was a discussion on whether to glue inlay(or veneer) with contact
: cement or epoxy. If I'm reading your comments correctly you used epoxy.
: Could you tell me why you chose to do that and how has your experience
: been with it so far.
The area covered by the design is a fairly large percentage of the deck surface. Since the veneer overlay is the surface I am glassing to, I prefer the strength of the epoxy to that of contact cement between veneer and deck, since in this case it probably has an impact on structral strength. I really relied on Nick's excellent advice here, these were my fisrt boats, and I think he was right on with his suggestion to use epoxy (He's Da MAN!). Procedurally, it IS a real PITA to epoxy large pieces in place, and get them clamped evenly, and have everything wind up where you intended. Good contact/pressure along the edge of the overlayed veneer will make the glassing of the deck go easier. Do whatever you must to attain this. The photo below is of two boats I did last year, using this approach. The one with the sunburst/moon phases had problems with the edges of the veneer overlay not being as tight as one would hope, and resulted in the fiberglass not lying smoothly enough over the designs edge, and small bubbles occurred along the rays of the sun image. Sounds picky, but if you are closer than 2 or 3 feet, it's quite noticeable. And since it CAN be avoided, it SHOULD be avoided, or else it will drive you to distraction later . Thanks for the question, it feels nice to finally be able to contribute back.

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Maroske Madness!!! *Pic*
ootek -- 3/11/2003, 3:25 pm- Re: Other: Maroske Madness!!!
Shawn Baker -- 3/13/2003, 10:23 pm- More Pics *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:34 am- Last One, promise *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:57 am- another question...
Dennis -- 3/13/2003, 5:55 pm- veneer edges & thickness
ootek -- 3/13/2003, 7:34 pm
- Re: Last One, promise
David Hanson -- 3/13/2003, 5:13 pm- Re: Last One, promise
Ken Sutherland -- 3/13/2003, 1:45 am- Re: Last One, promise
Steve Frederick -- 3/12/2003, 9:37 pm- cutting veneer
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:04 pm
- Totally Cool!
Robert N Pruden -- 3/12/2003, 5:25 pm- Very nice...
srchr/gerald -- 3/12/2003, 5:06 pm- Epoxy or contact cement *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 6:01 pm
- Very, Very Nice!!!!! *NM*
Dennis -- 3/12/2003, 2:16 pm- What Are You Building? *NM*
grant -- 3/12/2003, 1:54 pm- Pygmy Coho
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 5:20 pm
- Re: Very Cool!
Steve Frederick -- 3/12/2003, 1:50 pm- Don't apologize
Brian Nystrom -- 3/12/2003, 12:39 pm - veneer edges & thickness
- More Pics *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:52 am- More Pics *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:49 am- More Pics *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:44 am- More Pics *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:42 am- More Pics *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:39 am- More Pics *Pic*
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 11:37 am - another question...
- nice grain
mike allen -- 3/11/2003, 9:59 pm- grainy photo
ootek -- 3/12/2003, 5:13 pm- yah, real nice 'grain' *NM*
mike allen -- 3/12/2003, 11:48 am - yah, real nice 'grain' *NM*
- Re: Other: Maroske Madness!!!
Dave Grimmer -- 3/11/2003, 4:58 pm- Re: Other: Maroske Madness!!!
Tom Bastiansen -- 3/11/2003, 3:54 pm - More Pics *Pic*
- Re: Other: Maroske Madness!!!