Date: 3/12/2003, 9:41 pm
: I was reading posts in the archives yesterday and something jumped out at me
: that I had read in Nick's book but completely forgot to do. After fairing,
: coating, and glassing the inside of the hull (weekend b4 last), I forgot
: to install any type of restrictors to reduce the possibility of spreading
: as the epoxy cures. As soon as I got home from work the hull got a quick
: measurement. At the #9 form placement (Guillemot) the measurement was 22
: and 5/8". The rest of the measurements were off significantly as
: well. I Immediately began the process of placing boards measured to the
: correct widths in place, pulling the sides back into shape. My questions
: are as follows: Is this too little too late?
: What is another option should this be ineffective?
: What pain reliever is best for screw-up induced headaches?
Hey Brian,
I forgot to put the spredders in too till I was ready to put the two halves together. Then I found out the hull was about 3/4" narrower in the center of the boat than the deck. I cut some strips a little longer than the width of the boat at 1' intervals and 6" from each end. I put them in place and let the boat sit all day in my hot garage allowing it to warm up. That night the boat cooled and more or less conformed to the new width. The next day I put it together and taped it per Nick's book without much problem. A little heat can do wonders! I did leave the spredder in place at the 6" bow position as it was a little narrow without it. Now its encased in the end pour. No problem. Here's a pic of my wife's Guilly ready for the inside seam tape.
I wager that you'll do fine. Happy Building

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Wider than expected *Pic*
Brian Ervin -- 3/12/2003, 11:45 am- Thanks to all ...
Brian Ervin -- 3/13/2003, 10:53 am- Re: Strip: Wider than expected *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 3/12/2003, 9:41 pm- Another hint *LINK*
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/12/2003, 8:11 pm- Re: Strip: Wider than expected
Ken -- 3/12/2003, 3:46 pm- Re: Strip: Wider than expected
David Hanson -- 3/12/2003, 12:07 pm- Re: Strip: Wider than expected
Dave -- 3/12/2003, 12:06 pm- Too much of a good thing
Brian Ervin -- 3/12/2003, 5:08 pm- Re: Too much of a good thing
Dave -- 3/12/2003, 10:41 pm
- Re: Too much of a good thing
- Re: Strip: Wider than expected
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/12/2003, 12:00 pm - Re: Strip: Wider than expected *LINK* *Pic*
- Thanks to all ...