Re: Great weather you're having there
*LINK* *Pic*

By:Dave Houser
Date: 3/14/2003, 9:39 am
Date: 3/14/2003, 9:39 am
In Response To: Great weather you're having there
(charles w)

: Along with some green green grass and some fine fine weather, eh?
: Anyway... Hey! Dave! How'd you make the rack???
We don't have much of a winter in SoCal.
Well, I finally borrowed a camera and took some pictures of my roof rack. I have found it is easiest to lift my kayak by the coaming and load it onto the roof rack upside down from the side, so the cradles match the radiused deck.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Car Top Security *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 3/11/2003, 1:47 am- Is that a Yare? *NM*
Brian Nystrom -- 3/11/2003, 1:00 pm- Re: Yes a Yare *NM* *LINK*
Dave Houser -- 3/11/2003, 2:39 pm
- Great weather you're having there
charles w -- 3/11/2003, 7:21 am- Re: Great weather you're having there
*LINK* *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 3/14/2003, 9:39 am- Nice rack...
charles w -- 3/14/2003, 5:51 pm- Re: Nice rack...
Dave Houser -- 3/14/2003, 7:20 pm
- Re: Nice rack...
- Nice rack...
- Re: Yes a Yare *NM* *LINK*
- Is that a Yare? *NM*