Re: Nice rack...
By:Dave Houser
Date: 3/14/2003, 7:20 pm
Date: 3/14/2003, 7:20 pm
In Response To: Nice rack... (charles w)
: Hey Dave,
: Well, at least it looks a little nicer in this pic!
: Looks easy enough to make one... I suppose that you already had the bars, so
: that part of the design was probably simple enough... Looks good, though!
: How long have you been using it? Is it weathering/aging well?
: cheers!
: charles
The rack is OEM (original equipment manufacturer i.e. Ford) and came with the car. The cross bars come off eastly so I remove them with the cradles attached when not in use. The cradles are finished with epoxy and spar varnish and should hold up to the weather but I just don't leave them out.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Car Top Security *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 3/11/2003, 1:47 am- Is that a Yare? *NM*
Brian Nystrom -- 3/11/2003, 1:00 pm- Re: Yes a Yare *NM* *LINK*
Dave Houser -- 3/11/2003, 2:39 pm
- Great weather you're having there
charles w -- 3/11/2003, 7:21 am- Re: Great weather you're having there
*LINK* *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 3/14/2003, 9:39 am- Nice rack...
charles w -- 3/14/2003, 5:51 pm- Re: Nice rack...
Dave Houser -- 3/14/2003, 7:20 pm
- Re: Nice rack...
- Nice rack...
- Re: Yes a Yare *NM* *LINK*
- Is that a Yare? *NM*