: . . . but you could use the
: same idea and carve your own and have a removable skeg system: Big deep
: skeg for rough days, medium skeg for.. you guessed it... medium days, and
: even no skeg for flat days, or for meandering streams that require more
: maneuverability. You could even change fins... sorry.. skegs in the middle
: of the day if conditions changed.
I haven't heard of replaceable skegs being used on kayaks, though it certainly sounds like a good idea if you want to ry a few different fin styles as skegs. I suspect you would eventualy settle on just two situations, though: with skeg, and without skeg, or maybe big skeg vs. small skeg.
The common way I've seen on the board to get different skeg performance is with an adjustable skeg. A single skeg is lowered to varying depths, or retracted into the boat completely. You use a string, cable or wire to raise or lower the skeg, and since you can do this from the cockpit while you are underway there is no need to stop to change skegs.
Messages In This Thread
- Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skegs??? *LINK* *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/14/2003, 11:12 pm- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg *LINK*
Don Lucas -- 3/15/2003, 12:38 am- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/15/2003, 10:29 am- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 3/15/2003, 10:42 am- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg
Dale Frolander -- 3/16/2003, 2:42 am- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 3/16/2003, 11:36 am- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/16/2003, 9:04 am - Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg
- another pic of fin - different angle *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 3/15/2003, 10:52 am- Re: another pic of fin - different angle
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/15/2003, 11:39 am- Re: Too Much Skeg *LINK* *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 3/15/2003, 8:45 pm
- Re: Too Much Skeg *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg
- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg *LINK* *Pic*
- "Skegfins" ? ? ?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/15/2003, 12:29 am- Re: "Skegfins" ? ? ?
Malcolm Schweizer -- 3/15/2003, 10:14 am
- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg
- Re: Material: Surf board fins... uh, or kayak skeg *LINK*