: Wow.....
: So what was it like. I've been pounded pretty hard wearing a wetsuit and
: SCUBA gear, what's it like in a kayak? There is something about a
: thourough ass kicking to really make you day. Sorry to hear about the
: stove. Reading the report, I figured it was your SLR that met its doom by
: tractor tire. That would have made me cry.
: The repair seems to be going along well. How thick is the wood? The shape and
: placement of the holes should make for some good war stories.
: You and Robert Pruden, damn... There's some good fireside tales.
: "I know this guy, you won't beleive this, well he acutally......."
: Glad both of you are still with us.
I'm getting prepped to restart my North Sask trip. This time there are four guys heading into the wilds of the canadian rockies. It's my guess that there won't be any stories of kayaks busting it up over rapids. Then again, you never know what's around the next bend, do you?
Robert N Pruden
: Larry
Messages In This Thread
- Announce: how I damaged my kayak
sage -- 3/18/2003, 10:19 pm- Alright, now I'm Full
Larry -- 3/18/2003, 11:25 pm- I heard that!
Robert N Pruden -- 3/22/2003, 12:30 am- The next bend
Larry -- 3/23/2003, 11:33 am- Beautifully put, Larry!
Robert N Pruden -- 3/23/2003, 8:29 pm
- Beautifully put, Larry!
- memory is a funny thing
sage -- 3/19/2003, 11:31 am - The next bend
- I heard that!
- Alright, now I'm Full