Re: Strip: I'm not that insane 

By:Chip Sandresky
Date: 3/24/2003, 5:53 pm
Date: 3/24/2003, 5:53 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: Impressive Craftsmanship (Scott Ferguson)
: Are you thinking of building two or three of these drop-in
: decks? One for a single and another for a double? or a triple?
Thanks SMF, nice bait but I don't think I'm biting Yes, you could have several styles that drop in/out. You could have the entire core attached to the deck so the footpedals, seats, footpump... everything popped out with the deck. Maybe in my next lifetime but, after 2.5 years, I've just about had my fill of this project.
I have some concerns about how safe tandem kayaks are in rough conditions so there is a limit to how far I'll go with this boat.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Update *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 3/22/2003, 2:11 am- Re: Strip: Impressive Craftsmanship
Scott Ferguson -- 3/24/2003, 2:59 pm- Re: Strip: I'm not that insane
Chip Sandresky -- 3/24/2003, 5:53 pm- Re: James Bond, Planes, Launchings, etc...
Chip Sandresky -- 3/25/2003, 4:02 pm- Re: James Bond, Planes, Launchings, etc...
Scott E. Davis -- 3/26/2003, 2:04 pm
- Re: Strip: I'm not that insane
Scott E. Davis -- 3/25/2003, 2:02 pm- Re: Strip: Launch it First
Scott Ferguson -- 3/25/2003, 11:40 am- Oh, the possibilities!
Bill Price -- 3/24/2003, 7:11 pm - Re: James Bond, Planes, Launchings, etc...
- Re: James Bond, Planes, Launchings, etc...
- Re: Strip: Popoff Deck
Chip Sandresky -- 3/23/2003, 8:35 pm- Re: Strip: Update
Mike and Rikki -- 3/23/2003, 2:47 pm- Re: Strip: Update
Sam McFadden -- 3/23/2003, 2:16 pm- Lookin' Good *NM*
Dale Frolander -- 3/23/2003, 2:47 am- Very Pretty! *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 3/22/2003, 8:38 pm- Re: Strip: Update
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/22/2003, 4:10 pm- Re: Strip: Update
RickR -- 3/22/2003, 8:25 am- Re: Strip: Update
Ross Leidy -- 3/22/2003, 7:37 am - Re: Strip: I'm not that insane
- Re: Strip: Impressive Craftsmanship