Date: 3/25/2003, 11:40 am

: after 2.5 years, I've just
: about had my fill of this project.
: I have some concerns about how safe tandem kayaks are in rough conditions so
: there is a limit to how far I'll go with this boat.
If I may suggest, finish your fill coats and varnish, throw in a couple of seats and launch that thing to see how much you enjoy paddling it with your family. I realize that you still have many unfinished experimental facets of this yak that are still uncompleted, but you are realistically close enough for a prelim launch. Go for it, try it out. This may give you a better idea of how you want to lay out the cockpits.
The skin deck will probably take you somewhere between 20 to 40 hours to complete (that's totally a guess), so why not get it right the first time? The large opening in your deck is like a blank canvas. Use your ingenuity and artistic imagination to create a cockpit configuration that works well for its intended use and think of a skin finish that will give this boat the look it deserves. You've done a marvelous job on this boat, take it out and enjoy it. Let everyone know how it goes.
PS: Have you considered MAGNETS?
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Update *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 3/22/2003, 2:11 am- Re: Strip: Impressive Craftsmanship
Scott Ferguson -- 3/24/2003, 2:59 pm- Re: Strip: I'm not that insane
Chip Sandresky -- 3/24/2003, 5:53 pm- Re: James Bond, Planes, Launchings, etc...
Chip Sandresky -- 3/25/2003, 4:02 pm- Re: James Bond, Planes, Launchings, etc...
Scott E. Davis -- 3/26/2003, 2:04 pm
- Re: Strip: I'm not that insane
Scott E. Davis -- 3/25/2003, 2:02 pm- Re: Strip: Launch it First
Scott Ferguson -- 3/25/2003, 11:40 am- Oh, the possibilities!
Bill Price -- 3/24/2003, 7:11 pm - Re: James Bond, Planes, Launchings, etc...
- Re: James Bond, Planes, Launchings, etc...
- Re: Strip: Popoff Deck
Chip Sandresky -- 3/23/2003, 8:35 pm- Re: Strip: Update
Mike and Rikki -- 3/23/2003, 2:47 pm- Re: Strip: Update
Sam McFadden -- 3/23/2003, 2:16 pm- Lookin' Good *NM*
Dale Frolander -- 3/23/2003, 2:47 am- Very Pretty! *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 3/22/2003, 8:38 pm- Re: Strip: Update
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/22/2003, 4:10 pm- Re: Strip: Update
RickR -- 3/22/2003, 8:25 am- Re: Strip: Update
Ross Leidy -- 3/22/2003, 7:37 am - Re: Strip: I'm not that insane
- Re: Strip: Impressive Craftsmanship