Date: 3/25/2003, 8:07 pm
Neat shot, look at you
: guys! Too cool! So how much actual paddling did Dad do?
Well, Dad did quite a bit! With the three of us in there, it was pretty shakey, and 6-yr old Sawyer didn't care too much for it. We put him ashore, and 10-yr old Calder and I had a lot of fun! We experimented with him in the aft cockpit and in the fore, and with me shifting position fore and aft. Seemed to work the best with him behind me, and I shifted forward as far as possible. I had thought it would work best with him in the front, but we sat a bit 'bow-down', and although it was okay, the tracking wasn't that great. In any case, I learned a few things during the construction, and we expect to have a lot of fun with the boat. I really need to build a single for Calder! (I'm leaning toward a 14'x 20" SOF) He's done some solo kayaking, and he looked like a pro after 15 minutes! Oh, to be young! Thanks to everyone for the nice comments, and especially to Charles for doing what I tried to do! (With the pics) Peace- Steve
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: All I wanted was a simple, quick and dirty... *Pic*
Steve Phillips -- 3/24/2003, 1:56 am- Really, this is probably what you wanted
*LINK* *Pic*
charles w -- 3/24/2003, 8:26 am- Re: Really, this is probably what you wanted
Mike and Rikki -- 3/25/2003, 1:16 am- Cap'n Steve 'n' crew, 1 *Pic*
charles w -- 3/25/2003, 8:56 am- Re: Cap'n Steve 'n' crew, 1
Mike and Rikki -- 3/25/2003, 1:33 pm- Re: Cap'n Steve 'n' crew, 1
Steve Phillips -- 3/25/2003, 8:07 pm
- Cap'n Steve 'n' crew, 2 *Pic*
charles w -- 3/25/2003, 8:57 am- P2K-out-with-boys *Pic*
charles w -- 3/25/2003, 8:59 am
- Re: Cap'n Steve 'n' crew, 1
- Re: Cap'n Steve 'n' crew, 1
- Cap'n Steve 'n' crew, 1 *Pic*
- like this... *Pic*
charles w -- 3/24/2003, 8:14 am- weird... *Pic*
charles w -- 3/24/2003, 8:21 am
- Re: Really, this is probably what you wanted
- Really, this is probably what you wanted