Re: Hey Don: Road Trip?!
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 3/28/2003, 1:50 pm
Date: 3/28/2003, 1:50 pm
In Response To: Re: Hey Don: Road Trip?! (Don Flowers)
: Maybe Dooger, Bonnie goes in for carpal tunnel surgery on both hands about
: that time so it would be much healthier if I stayed around -- too bad, the
: King should be done by then and definately will need a trial.
Will Mikey's Panache be done by then?!!?
Not sure if I'll go for a "Northern Rockies" MATB in September, since Shell is due with our #2 at the end of August, so things will probably be a bit hectic.
Messages In This Thread
- Announce: Meet at the Beach, Vancouver, B.C. *LINK* *Pic*
Rod Tait -- 3/27/2003, 12:25 pm- Re: Announce: Meet at the Beach, Vancouver, B.C. *LINK*
Scott Ferguson -- 3/28/2003, 1:21 pm- Coordinates?
Dale Frolander -- 3/28/2003, 3:28 am- Here's the Coordinates
Dan Millsip -- 3/29/2003, 4:46 am- Hey Dan
Rod Tait -- 3/30/2003, 2:22 am- Re: Here's the Coordinates
Jeff The Tall -- 3/29/2003, 6:12 am- Oops. Good catch.
Dan Millsip -- 3/29/2003, 1:10 pm
- Re: Here's the Coordinates
- Hey Dan
- Hey Don: Road Trip?! *NM*
Shawn Baker -- 3/27/2003, 2:07 pm- Re: Hey Don: Road Trip?!
Don Flowers -- 3/27/2003, 8:31 pm- Re: Hey Don: Road Trip?!
Shawn Baker -- 3/28/2003, 1:50 pm- Wow, congratulations, best to Shell as well
Don Flowers -- 3/28/2003, 11:06 pm
- Wow, congratulations, best to Shell as well
- Re: Hey Don: Road Trip?!
Don Beale -- 3/27/2003, 8:00 pm- Re: Sorry...Don Flowers
Shawn Baker -- 3/28/2003, 11:25 am
- Re: Hey Don: Road Trip?!
- Coordinates?
- Re: Announce: Meet at the Beach, Vancouver, B.C. *LINK*