Re: Other: Boreal Confluence Expedition ready to g
In Response To: Other: Boreal Confluence Expedition ready to go *LINK* (Grant Goltz)
: Hello, Just an update for those in the area. The big canoe is scheduled to
: arrive in Vancouver, Washington today. The crew from France is already
: there. I think they will be leaving from Vancouver in 3 or 4 days. If you
: are in the area, you might want to paddle along for a bit.
: Grant
I've been emailing these guys back and forth in order to help them with logistics in my area, Edmonton. I'll be on the water paddling my trip and should meet up with them by the time I reach Edmonton. I promised them a bottle of our best local ale. I know how to encourage foreign relations.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Boreal Confluence Expedition ready to go *LINK*
Grant Goltz -- 3/27/2003, 8:17 am- Re: Other: Boreal Confluence Expedition ready to g
Robert N Pruden -- 3/29/2003, 12:29 am- OT Ambassador
Ken Sutherland -- 3/29/2003, 3:12 am- Not a lot of work tonight, Ken?
Robert N Pruden -- 3/29/2003, 3:49 am- Re: Not a lot of work tonight, Ken?
Ken Sutherland -- 3/29/2003, 5:22 am
- Re: Not a lot of work tonight, Ken?
- Not a lot of work tonight, Ken?
- Re: Other: Boreal Confluence Expedition ready to g
Eric -- 3/27/2003, 1:49 pm - OT Ambassador
- Re: Other: Boreal Confluence Expedition ready to g