Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
By:Jack Sanderson
Date: 4/6/2003, 12:18 pm
Date: 4/6/2003, 12:18 pm
In Response To: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte' (Malcolm Schweizer)
What epoxy and hardener were you using? This may not be related to the cloudy finish issue but you sure didn't have enough working time to recover. It sounds like you were using a very fast hardener if it set up in 2 hours. If you were using Raka (you mentioned using their cloth) I would use their very slow hardener to wet out fiberglass. This ensures that you have plenty of time to work slowly and delibertly.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/6/2003, 7:05 am- Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
Jay Babina -- 4/7/2003, 10:58 am- Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/7/2003, 7:12 pm- Re: Ditto
Rehd -- 4/7/2003, 12:28 pm - Re: Ditto
- Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
Jack Sanderson -- 4/6/2003, 12:18 pm- Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/6/2003, 6:23 pm
- Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
Rob Macks -- 4/6/2003, 11:34 am- Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/6/2003, 6:15 pm
- Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'
- Re: Epoxy: nightmare... Foaming Epoxy Latte'