Date: 4/7/2003, 5:26 pm

I've spent some time on the phone with Ft. Worden this afternoon.
For a future Rendezvous, we could potentially reserve campsites outside of the 5 month booking window, but we would need to commit to 20 campsites, and also 1 or 2 meals per day. In this case, they could be reserved up to 2 years in advance
It would be very valuable to discuss these things now or at R2K3 for R2K4 and R2K5. The danger is that "last-minute" schedule conflicts, like Joe's 3rd weekend conflict this year could arise in February, and we'd have a hard time changing the weekend.
Maybe we could change venues to find a location more accommodating of our group; maybe we could become a "conference group" to get longer scheduling power.
The showers are nice. The proximity of the beach to the campsites is nice. But day parking, night parking, reservations, campsite restrictions, and sporadic availability of the kitchen shelter are all hassles.
I'm also a Montana boy, and am not used to dealing with the problems encountered in more densely populated and heavily used areas, so what do I know?!?!
Ultimately, it is Joe's show, and the event is sponsored by Redfish Kayaks, so I would want him to weigh in on this before I or anyone suggest pursuing any radical changes.
: Just received this email this morning. I failed on the group campsite
: request.
: Dangit, dangit, dangit!!! I am sorry that now 9 others are also
: campsite-less. I will do some surfing tonight, and see what alternate
: options are available.
: Is anyone interested if any dorms or houses are available?
: Shawn
: --
: Hello Shawn,
: I regret to say that we were unable to fulfill your request for 10
: campsites
: on the beach for the early-August arrival. A letter to that effect will
: be
: mailed to you this week. Accordingly, your request for an adjustment to
: Mr.
: Warren's campsite can't be fulfilled either.
: For future reference: Generally, during our peak season, requesting a large
: number of sites
: makes
: it more difficult for us to accommodate your request.
: Also, especially during July and August, you may want to try to send
: your
: online or faxed request to us just after midnight on the morning of
: March 1
: (for July) or April 1 (for August). Your request for August was
: transmitted
: at 12:11AM, which is actually pretty late to get in line (!!!). The
: campgrounds begin to be fully booked by requests received by one or two
: minutes after midnight.
: Best regards,
: Leslie
Messages In This Thread
- Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 10:09 am- Bed and Breakfast *LINK* *Pic*
Dale Frolander -- 4/8/2003, 8:44 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Patsy -- 4/8/2003, 9:35 am- Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 5:26 pm- Re: Other: R2K4 Camping *LINK*
Roger Nuffer -- 4/7/2003, 8:17 pm- Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2003, 12:08 am
- Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
Rehd -- 4/7/2003, 8:01 pm- Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2003, 12:20 am
- Re: Other: R2K4 Camping
- Who Had Successful Bookings?
grant -- 4/7/2003, 2:44 pm- Re: Who Had Successful Bookings?
Jim Horlacher -- 4/8/2003, 5:01 pm
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Dave Grimmer -- 4/7/2003, 2:43 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Dave Grimmer -- 4/7/2003, 5:50 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 6:40 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Dave Grimmer -- 4/7/2003, 6:56 pm
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Mark Shiner -- 4/7/2003, 2:33 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Chip Sandresky -- 7/10/2003, 5:31 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping *LINK*
Joe Greenley -- 7/10/2003, 9:17 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Scott Ferguson -- 7/10/2003, 6:19 pm - Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Marcel R. in Portland, OR -- 4/8/2003, 1:31 am- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Gordon Snapp -- 4/8/2003, 1:48 am
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Bill Price -- 4/7/2003, 3:06 pm- Re: Wow!!!
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 2:48 pm- If I might suggest
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/8/2003, 8:47 pm- Re: Wow!!!
Roger Nuffer -- 4/7/2003, 9:18 pm- Re: Yakstock2K3???
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/7/2003, 9:40 pm- Mark should be happy...
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2003, 12:21 am- Alternative camping in Port Townsend where
Mark Shiner -- 4/9/2003, 5:01 pm
- Alternative camping in Port Townsend where
- Mark should be happy...
- Re: Wow!!!
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping *LINK*
- R2K3: Other options: ELC's
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 2:31 pm- R2K3: Other options: Sequim Bay State Park
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 2:28 pm- Re: R2K3: Other options: Sequim Bay State Park
Roger Nuffer -- 4/7/2003, 9:24 pm- Re: R2K3: Other options: Sequim Bay State Park
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2003, 12:04 am
- Re: R2K3: Other options: Sequim Bay State Park
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
John Schroeder -- 4/7/2003, 1:39 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Patsy -- 4/7/2003, 1:37 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Chip Sandresky -- 4/7/2003, 12:45 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Shawn Baker -- 4/7/2003, 1:21 pm- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
Chip Sandresky -- 4/7/2003, 1:45 pm
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
- Re: Other: R2K3 Camping: I failed
Bill Price -- 4/7/2003, 12:24 pm - Re: Other: R2K3 Camping
- Bed and Breakfast *LINK* *Pic*