: A dozen doughnuts and some coffee and you get to "sneak" a boat out
: the FRONT door??? And take pictures with some other guy holding the thing
: up??? Where was the dog? Was there some hotdogs for him too? Nice looking
: boats. I especially like the sea of mahogany ply in the shop. It looks
: kinda good when it's been shaped into a boat. Thanks for the pics. It gave
: me some ideas for deck rigging. One can never have enought info, or pics
: to expand one's horizons. Way off topic, but how many days till you
: leave???? I'll drink only Guiness until your safe return if you think it
: will help. Bottles or cans?
: Larry
Uhm, that other guy was Donnie, the owner. He wouldn't let me out of his sight while we had the yak outside. I think he was thinking my intentions may have been dubious. The donuts and HC are only to distract them while I pull out some good pieces of scrap plywood for my rebuild. I love going to the shop exactly because it's full of yak stuff. I'm sure if I had the money I'd leave with a new kit just about every 3 months. I'll be on the water in 51 days. I'm thinking that if you start on the Guiness (cans by the way) now and continue on until I reach my end point for this year, roughly June 27, that should put a good aura over the spirit of the trip. Letseenow, that's about 80 days of drinking for peace? Think the wife will co-operate with you on that? After all, you'd be helping someone who almost didn't make it last year.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace 16XL? *LINK* *Pic*
Ken -- 4/8/2003, 12:53 pm- Re: S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace *LINK*
John in CT -- 4/10/2003, 10:11 pm- Thanks for the great pics!
Ken -- 4/11/2003, 1:11 pm- Re: Thanks for the great pics!
Robert N Pruden -- 4/12/2003, 12:00 am
- Re: Thanks for the great pics!
- Solace16XL Pics Hot off Press *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 4/8/2003, 10:30 pm- Fantastic pics! Thanks!
Ken -- 4/9/2003, 10:48 am- Doughnuts?
Larry -- 4/9/2003, 12:37 am- Re: Doughnuts?
Robert N Pruden -- 4/9/2003, 10:46 am- Re: Doughnuts?
Larry -- 4/9/2003, 2:38 pm
- Re: Doughnuts?
- Doughnuts?
I know!
Robert N Pruden -- 4/8/2003, 5:23 pm- Re:
I know!
LeeG -- 4/9/2003, 11:08 am- Re:
I know!
Robert N Pruden -- 4/9/2003, 11:25 am
- Re:
- Re: S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace
Don -- 4/8/2003, 3:57 pm- Re: S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace
Paul J -- 4/8/2003, 2:15 pm - Thanks for the great pics!
- Re: S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace *LINK*