: Robert, have you paddled this boat and are you able to compare it to other
: s&g or manufactured kayaks in conditions other than flat water.
Hi, Lee
My experience with kayaks rests only in the Waters Dancing domain, especially with the Lightening 17. Anything I relate regarding the Solace originates from people here who own it. I can say that the overall fit of teh two kayaks is very similar. I have sat in a Solace in the shop and it fit me as well as the Lightening 17. I have no experience with any other S&G's simply because there are no other S&G's in this neck of the woods. I've paddled my Lightening 17 on flat water on calm and visciously stormy days, fast flowing rivers at low and higer water levels. I'm hoping to take the yak out to the west coast sometime this year but I don't have a lot of time so I'm not sure if I'll make it. There's always next season. I never bothered to try out a tupperware yak nor any others due to the comments I have read at this site. I'll probably try one out on another day but not any time soon. My decisions to go with wood were largely based on financial limits and also the practicality of building wooden boats vs. repairability and artistry (I paint my yaks). Personally, I doubt I'll ever go any other way coz I've always loved wooden boats.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace 16XL? *LINK* *Pic*
Ken -- 4/8/2003, 12:53 pm- Re: S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace *LINK*
John in CT -- 4/10/2003, 10:11 pm- Thanks for the great pics!
Ken -- 4/11/2003, 1:11 pm- Re: Thanks for the great pics!
Robert N Pruden -- 4/12/2003, 12:00 am
- Re: Thanks for the great pics!
- Solace16XL Pics Hot off Press *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 4/8/2003, 10:30 pm- Fantastic pics! Thanks!
Ken -- 4/9/2003, 10:48 am- Doughnuts?
Larry -- 4/9/2003, 12:37 am- Re: Doughnuts?
Robert N Pruden -- 4/9/2003, 10:46 am- Re: Doughnuts?
Larry -- 4/9/2003, 2:38 pm
- Re: Doughnuts?
- Doughnuts?
I know!
Robert N Pruden -- 4/8/2003, 5:23 pm- Re:
I know!
LeeG -- 4/9/2003, 11:08 am- Re:
I know!
Robert N Pruden -- 4/9/2003, 11:25 am
- Re:
- Re: S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace
Don -- 4/8/2003, 3:57 pm- Re: S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace
Paul J -- 4/8/2003, 2:15 pm - Thanks for the great pics!
- Re: S&G: Anyone have info on Waters Dancing Solace *LINK*