Date: 4/15/2003, 9:15 pm
Ok John!
: My vote would be to go with the get-used-to-it option.
: When I first paddled my Cunningham S&G last summer, my first thought was that
: I'm never going to be able to keep it right side up. Compared to what I
: had been paddling, it was really tippy. The trick that did the most to get
: me used to its tippiness was a suggestion that came from someone at R2K2.
: It was suggested that I paddle it for a while with the seat raised
OMG! This is is is is is is insane! How will I ever stay upright??? Arg!
Ok, ok... I've got a friend who might come down next week in a canoe and try and give me a pointer or two... But still!
Ok. Breathe deeply. It's a great idea. It does scare me in that the 'yak is already unstable enough that I couldn't stay upright in my two unassisted attempts. Next time I'll have someone there to help. Maybe I'll get going forwards enough to have that famous high secondary stability!
: So, good luck with your new boat, and my bet is that you will get used to it
: more quickly than you think you might.
Ah! Thanks! (And thanks Gerald with pretty much the same advice!) I'm working now at finishing the outfitting and trying to get 'yak partners... But it's nice to know that there's some hope for me, yet!
ps: any mainers feel like trying her out? tee hee!
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Reducing deadrise
charles w -- 4/15/2003, 6:19 pm- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 4/16/2003, 11:02 am- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
charles w -- 4/16/2003, 11:25 am- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
Tom Yost -- 4/16/2003, 12:02 pm- whats deadrise?
martin -- 4/16/2003, 2:11 pm- Re: whats deadrise?
Dave -- 4/16/2003, 10:10 pm- Increasing the rocker?
charles w -- 4/16/2003, 11:03 pm- Re: Increasing the rocker?
West -- 4/17/2003, 2:17 am- Re: Increasing the rocker?
charles w -- 4/17/2003, 8:01 am
- Re: Increasing the rocker?
- Re: Increasing the rocker?
- Re: whats deadrise?
Tom Yost -- 4/16/2003, 4:24 pm- Re: whats deadrise?
Jeff The Tall -- 4/16/2003, 4:04 pm- Re: whats deadrise?
James Nixon -- 4/16/2003, 3:14 pm- re:
Brian Ervin -- 4/16/2003, 2:52 pm - Increasing the rocker?
- Re: whats deadrise?
- whats deadrise?
- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
Jeff The Tall -- 4/16/2003, 1:34 am- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
Jim Kozel -- 4/16/2003, 8:19 am- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
charles w -- 4/16/2003, 10:24 am
- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
srchr/gerald -- 4/15/2003, 7:21 pm- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
ChrisO -- 4/16/2003, 12:49 am- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
charles w -- 4/16/2003, 10:28 am
- tippy?
charles w -- 4/15/2003, 10:10 pm - Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
John D. -- 4/15/2003, 7:02 pm- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
charles w -- 4/15/2003, 9:15 pm- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
John D. -- 4/16/2003, 1:06 am
- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise
- Re: S&G: Reducing deadrise *Pic*