Date: 4/17/2003, 10:58 am
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper.
Encourage your fellow mariners that we're all looking out for one another out there. Don't directly question the USCG, but let it be known that your calls are not being heard by "anyone". Those in the know will read between the lines that the USCG isn't doing their job either.
Maybe contact your local USCG Auxiliary. These people are bigger boating nuts than anyone. They might take a very active interest in the non-monitoring of VHF by the boating public and government entities alike. They'll also be a more diplomatic means to approach the USCG about their possible shortcoming than a single kayaker.
: Leaving the "politics" of your comment alone, I still have to pipe
: in here. I got my VHF radio several years ago, before 9-11, and had
: exactly the same response here in Santa Cruz, CA. This despite the fact
: that the CG operates two boats here and has an office with full-time
: staff. It left me feeling that no one listens or cares around here, the CG
: included.
: By contrast, when I was in Bahia Concepcion in Baja, there were far fewer
: boats around, but if you did either a radio check or a request for info,
: there was no shortage of responses at all. The locals and the long-term
: tourists would respond immediately.
: This has left me feeling that my VHF radio is pretty much useless here in
: Santa Cruz, so I rarely bother to stuff it into my PFD. I think my strobe
: and whistle are far more likely to generate a response (IMHO).
: Mark
Messages In This Thread
- Other: raidio checks
Sage -- 4/16/2003, 4:16 pm- GMDSS and Kayakers
Ken -- 4/17/2003, 5:06 pm - Re: Other: raidio checks
Dave Miller -- 4/17/2003, 8:40 am- Other: radio checks
Jim in ND -- 4/17/2003, 12:15 pm
- Other: radio checks
- Re: Other: raidio checks
Mark Normand -- 4/17/2003, 8:36 am - Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Rob Peterson -- 4/16/2003, 4:28 pm- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Ed Falis -- 4/16/2003, 6:28 pm- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Mark Woodhead -- 4/17/2003, 1:04 am- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Shawn Baker -- 4/17/2003, 10:58 am - Apology
Ed Falis -- 4/17/2003, 8:25 am
- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
- GMDSS and Kayakers