: Thanks Brian, great tip. Hey, do you know if I can get Goop in quart cans or
: even gallon sized cans?
I've never seen it, but it's also sold as an industrial adhesive (E-6000) in caulking gun tubes, so it may be available in larger quantities. Check with the manufacturer at:
When I last spoke with them, they told me that all the Goop products are the same, except that Marine Goop contains UV inhibitors that the others don't. I was also told that they contain a more "user friendly" solvent than E-6000, though I don't really know what that means.
: Can't say I've even looked yet, but buying the
: little tubes seem rediculous if I need enough to cover a seat with
: neoprene or some other large scale project.
True. FWIW, I buy it at Home Depot, since they have the lowest price I've seen.
: With the toluene thinner, I
: suppose it would make the goop go farther, using less because it's
: thinner. True/False?
True. I thin it until I can brush it easily. It penetrates surfaces (such as foam) better and a little goes a long way.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Gluing Minicell *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 4/12/2003, 7:45 pm- Re: S&G: Gluing Minicell
Scott Ferguson -- 4/15/2003, 11:54 am- Re: S&G: Gluing Minicell
gregory -- 4/17/2003, 10:37 am- In my opening sentence...
gregory -- 4/17/2003, 10:39 am- Re: No worries
Scott Ferguson -- 4/17/2003, 11:45 am- GOOP Tip
Brian Nystrom -- 4/17/2003, 12:04 pm- Re: GOOP Suppliers?
Scott Ferguson -- 4/17/2003, 1:16 pm- GOOP details
Brian Nystrom -- 4/17/2003, 1:34 pm
- GOOP details
- Re: GOOP Suppliers?
- GOOP Tip
- Re: No worries
- In my opening sentence...
- Re: S&G: Gluing Minicell
Ken Sutherland -- 4/12/2003, 10:34 pm - Re: S&G: Gluing Minicell
- Re: S&G: Gluing Minicell