Date: 4/23/2003, 2:51 pm
: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
: sand sand sand sand sand sand....fill coat....sand sand sand sand sand
: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand....fill coat.... sand sand sand
: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand.... repeat over and over.
Man, you're making me tired....... think I'll go take a nap!! Uh... after I vacume.
: I sanded through on one little spot and have that darned white streak right
: on the top of my lovely deck. Dang it. Most likely the fabric floated
: there because I barely started sanding and (luckily) noticed it. Well, I
: figure that's an excuse to put some sort of graphic or perhaps the boat's
: name (Pyxis) there, but just in case... anyone got any ideas??? My
: understanding is it's pretty much live with it or sand all the way down to
: the wood, reglass that part, and then have a ring around the edge of where
: I sanded that may be just as bad as what I have now. It's a fairly large
: patch about 6" by 3", but it's kinda in a "y" shape,
: and I may make that the "y" in "Pyxis." It may be that
: I can make the deck rigging cover it enough that it's not too noticable,
: but if the scratch were not there that's not where I would have put the
: rigging... but close enough I could maybe move it back and move the hatch
: back a few inches. We'll see. Also I thought maybe a little wood pad there
: for my spare paddle to rest on??? Or maybe even a deck cleat. It's on the
: rear, so a compass wouldn't be appropriate. It is about 1/2 way down the
: deck and a few inches from the shearline. Give me some thoughts.
Well, if you hadn't told us, we'd have never seen it under all that stuff. I think the name would be very appropriete, but.... now that we know, we'll be looking for it...
Good Luck.... Rehd
: Thanks,
: Malcolm
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2003, 12:44 pm- Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
Jay Babina -- 4/25/2003, 3:13 pm- Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
Rob Macks -- 4/23/2003, 4:05 pm- Thanks
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2003, 5:10 pm- Re: Thanks
Doug K. -- 4/24/2003, 3:11 pm- Re: Thanks
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/24/2003, 5:09 pm
- Re: Thanks
Rob Macks -- 4/24/2003, 8:15 am- could it be the sun?
Myrl Tanton -- 4/23/2003, 10:17 pm- Nope, doing it at night *NM*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/24/2003, 10:56 am
- Re: Thanks
srchr/gerald -- 4/23/2003, 7:24 pm- Re: Thanks
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2003, 10:44 pm
- Re: Thanks
Brian Ervin -- 4/23/2003, 5:43 pm- Re: Thanks
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2003, 10:39 pm- Re: Thanks
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/25/2003, 12:50 am
- Re: Thanks
- Re: Thanks
- Re: Thanks
- Re: Shhhhhh...... never tell......
Rehd -- 4/23/2003, 2:51 pm- Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
Brian Ervin -- 4/23/2003, 2:48 pm - Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
- Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand