: with bow and stern lines .... You also have very clear
: indicators directly in your field of view as you drive.
Unless your bow and stern lines go to the inbuilt roof bars on the car,
which is less vision-impeding and mechanically more sound than a vertical
rope to the bumper trying to exert a horizontal force on the boat... Not
that my bumpers have anywhere to tie such a rope :-)
Luckily, my car came fitted with a kayak-position-observation feature
also ready built-in to the roof. For some reason (remember this is in
Britain) the manufacturer refers to this as a "sun roof", but clearly
their marketing department has never driven a car in the UK with a
large collection of boats on the rack. Not much sun comes through all
that cloud and a solid layer of kayaks :-(
Messages In This Thread
- Other: transport position for kayak
Tony W. -- 4/26/2003, 5:03 pm- Bow and sternlines as indicators
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/28/2003, 10:48 pm- Re: Bow and sternlines as indicators
Andy Waddington -- 4/29/2003, 4:20 pm- Re: Bow and sternlines as indicators
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/30/2003, 12:01 am
- More from the man
Don Lucas -- 4/29/2003, 9:17 am - Re: Bow and sternlines as indicators
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Gordon Snapp -- 4/27/2003, 12:39 pm- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Don Lucas -- 4/27/2003, 10:04 am- Re: Other: transport position for kayak *Pic*
Andy Waddington -- 4/29/2003, 4:56 am- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Dale Frolander -- 4/30/2003, 3:01 am- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Andy Waddington -- 4/30/2003, 4:42 am- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Dale Frolander -- 4/30/2003, 9:14 pm
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak *Pic*
Nick Webb -- 4/28/2003, 1:37 pm- Re: Other: transport position for kayak *LINK*
Charles Leach -- 4/28/2003, 10:16 pm- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Nick Webb -- 4/29/2003, 12:13 pm
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
- Re: bow & stern tiedowns
Mike Scarborough -- 4/27/2003, 10:39 am- Re: bow & stern tiedowns
Don Lucas -- 4/28/2003, 12:26 am
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Don -- 4/26/2003, 10:30 pm- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/26/2003, 10:13 pm- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Tony W. -- 4/26/2003, 11:13 pm
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak *LINK*
Steve Frederick -- 4/26/2003, 5:34 pm- Re: Other: transport position for kayak
Tony W. -- 4/26/2003, 11:24 pm- Jed Clampett's kustom rak *Pic*
ootek -- 4/28/2003, 10:10 am- Re: Jed Clampett's kustom rak
Rick Allnutt -- 4/29/2003, 7:42 am- Re: Jed Clampett's kustom rak *Pic*
ootek -- 4/30/2003, 10:18 am
- Re: Jed Clampett's kustom rak *Pic*
- Re: Other: transport position for kayak *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 4/27/2003, 11:49 am - Re: Jed Clampett's kustom rak
- Jed Clampett's kustom rak *Pic*
- Re: Bow and sternlines as indicators
- Bow and sternlines as indicators