However, I want to be out on a trip end of May,
: and want to get some practice in the rivers before then, and ensure I can
: roll the kayak in moving water. So time is running short, and I have a few
: other things on the go just now.
...rolling your kayak will a full load of equipment, if rolling becomes necessary. Although the river current can be swift in places, the river isn't very deep and therefore relatively easy to walk across most of the time, I suggest you focus on bailing and self-rescue. We can practice rolling at Abraham Lake to make the day interesting. Keep in mind, also that we will not paddle across Abraham Lake at any time. There is a flooded forest below the surface and every once in a while those old trees let go and rocket up to the surface like an ICBM fired from a sub. If you happen to be in front of me and you tip, I'll be on your case lickety split with the rescue rope, meds and beer.
Robert N Pruden
Only 26 days to go.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Myrl Tanton -- 5/2/2003, 4:17 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
rnb4tla -- 5/3/2003, 11:46 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Rob Peterson -- 5/3/2003, 1:30 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Roy Morford -- 5/3/2003, 3:29 pm
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers? *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 5/3/2003, 7:02 am- Wow! Hot Shop - Better Varnish Fast
Ted Henry -- 5/3/2003, 11:46 pm- Re: Wow! Hot Shop - Better Varnish Fast
Bobby Curtis -- 5/4/2003, 8:02 am
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
rnb4tla -- 5/3/2003, 11:40 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers? *LINK*
Bobby Curtis -- 5/4/2003, 6:58 am
- Sweet looking work, Bobby! *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 5/3/2003, 9:00 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Ken -- 5/3/2003, 2:55 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers? *LINK* *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 5/4/2003, 7:54 am- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Melissa -- 5/5/2003, 1:05 am- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Myrl Tanton -- 5/4/2003, 12:22 pm - Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
- nice
Myrl Tanton -- 5/3/2003, 11:39 am- Re: nice
Bobby Curtis -- 5/4/2003, 7:59 am
- Re: Wow! Hot Shop - Better Varnish Fast
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Ken -- 5/2/2003, 10:01 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Myrl Tanton -- 5/3/2003, 11:29 am- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers? *LINK*
Charles Leach -- 5/3/2003, 5:59 pm
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Roy Morford -- 5/2/2003, 11:55 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Myrl Tanton -- 5/3/2003, 11:36 am- Bear in mind that you will be...
Robert N Pruden -- 5/3/2003, 8:58 pm
- Bear in mind that you will be...
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers? *LINK*
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Dave Grimmer -- 5/2/2003, 7:55 pm- Varnish curing
Brian Nystrom -- 5/5/2003, 12:07 pm- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
Myrl Tanton -- 5/2/2003, 8:24 pm - Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?
- Re: Strip: not sanding between Varnish layers?