Date: 5/12/2003, 12:52 pm
: Hi Bobby,
: I think the only cosmetic defect in that picture is the lack of water !
: Absolutely love the huge contrast between the bulging foredeck and the
: super low aft deck. Also, how you you highlighted that feature with your
: stripping pattern, very thoughtful and subtle. How many inches above the
: waterline do you figure that aft deck to be ?
: One other question. I am about a week away from joining the hull on my
: Endeavour. This boat has an interior sheerclamp (attached to the deck
: right now) and after joining will be fitted with a "sheer
: guard", which is nothing but a strip of wood that hides and seals
: (hopefully) the joint. I donīt like it. Itīs too late for this one, I
: figure, but could you elaborate on how you join hull and deck in this very
: "right-angle sheer" kayak of yours ? Interior sheerclamp or
: glass cloth tape ? "Deck over hull and round over deck" or
: "deck and hull beveled at 45 degrees each" ?
: And, did the sea spirit designer elaborate on the system, or is it yours ?
: Thanks for the help and inspiration, jealous Pascal
Thanks for the compliments.
After I stripped the hull and epoxied the outside, I installed sheer clamps and planed them to match the shape of the deck where it would mate with the hull. When I stripped the deck, I left about 1/2 inch overhang all along the sheer line. To attach the deck, I first added some support structure where the deck was flat. I then covered the support structure with thickened epoxy and glued the underside of the deck to it. Its basically the same process as attaching a plywood deck to an S&G hull that has sheer clamps. After the glue (epoxy thickened with silica powder) was cured, I removed the overhang, and then epoxied glass tape along the sheer, overlapping the deck to hull joint.
You can see the process on my web site. It is my design.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished *LINK* *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 5/12/2003, 8:50 am- Your Pump Mount
Ken -- 5/12/2003, 3:24 pm- Re: Your Pump Mount
Brian Nystrom -- 5/13/2003, 12:59 pm- Re: Your Pump Mount *LINK* *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 5/12/2003, 10:59 pm - Re: Your Pump Mount *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Myrl Tanton -- 5/12/2003, 12:32 pm- Re: Great looking yak! Are plans available? *NM*
Ryan -- 5/12/2003, 12:21 pm- Re: Great looking yak! Are plans available?
Bobby Curtis -- 5/12/2003, 12:34 pm
- Beautiful Boat!! Nice job. *NM*
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 5/12/2003, 11:57 am- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished *LINK*
Pascal, Southern Chile -- 5/12/2003, 10:40 am- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Ross Sieber -- 5/12/2003, 1:09 pm- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Pascal, Southern Chile -- 5/12/2003, 2:17 pm- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Ross Sieber -- 5/12/2003, 5:12 pm- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Ross Sieber -- 5/12/2003, 2:59 pm - Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Glen Smith -- 5/12/2003, 1:41 pm- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Ross Sieber -- 5/12/2003, 1:46 pm
- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished *LINK* *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 5/12/2003, 12:52 pm- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Myrl Tanton -- 5/12/2003, 12:19 pm - Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
- Re: Strip: Sea Spirit 17 Finished
Tom Yost -- 5/12/2003, 9:48 am - Re: Your Pump Mount
- Your Pump Mount