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Re: S&G: What kind of saw is best for cutting hatc
By:Ken Sutherland
Date: 5/12/2003, 11:33 pm


I used an electric jigsaw with good results. Use a very fine tooth blade, take a deep breath and go for it. I taped the deck where I wanted the hatch marked the curve on the tape to minimize splintering(not sure if this is necessary with the deck being glassed or not but I figured better safe than sorry). I just tilted the saw forward on the guard and lowered it down on the line.

No matter what, it is nerve wracking but just go slow and it will be another of those jobs you were nervous about and after it is done you will be saying to yourself "gee, that wasn't so bad after all"

Relax, enjoy the process, and learn for your next boat :)


: Taylor,
: I too, used an electric saber saw. I used a fine metal cutting blade, started
: out with my pull saw then finished with the power. I laid out 3"
: radius corners, no problems.
: Steve

Messages In This Thread

S&G: What kind of saw is best for cutting hatches?
Taylor Warren -- 5/12/2003, 11:36 am
Re: Thanks
Taylor Warren -- 5/13/2003, 10:53 am
Re: S&G: What kind of saw is best for cutting hatc *LINK*
Steve Frederick -- 5/12/2003, 9:13 pm
Re: S&G: What kind of saw is best for cutting hatc
Ken Sutherland -- 5/12/2003, 11:33 pm
Next boat?
Robert N Pruden -- 5/13/2003, 12:36 am
Re: Fixing Hatch-Cutting Mistakes *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 5/12/2003, 3:21 pm
Re: Fixing Hatch-Cutting Mistakes
Robert N Pruden -- 5/13/2003, 12:33 am
Re: Fixing Hatch-Very Cool Idea!! :) *NM*
Steve Frederick -- 5/12/2003, 9:07 pm
Re: S&G: What kind of saw is best for cutting hatc
Ken -- 5/12/2003, 3:20 pm
Re: S&G: What kind of saw is best for cutting hatc
Gregory -- 5/12/2003, 3:00 pm
Re: S&G: What kind of saw is best for cutting hatc
Myrl Tatnon -- 5/12/2003, 1:23 pm
Re: S&G: What kind of saw is best for cutting hatc
Tony W. -- 5/12/2003, 11:57 am