I managed to paint a name on the bow of my yak yesterday. Once again I turned down beautiful weather to finally get the yak closer to being considered complete. I used black electrical tape to form a working medium on the bow. I then used a stencil and pin to indent the pattern of the letters into the electrical tape. I used a razor edged craft knife to carve out the letters. That was fairly delicate work and required a lot of patience, the CBC Radio 2, a beer and some sweet incense but it was worth it. Once the letters were carved out my daughter and I carefully filled them in with black Tremclad using some small fine bristled brushes. I had to go to a movie in the evening (X2, an awesome movie for those who love fantasy/sci-fi) so I left the second coat to Lydia. She's my 9 year old right hand. You should have seen the look on her face when I asked her to be responsible for painting the second coat: it was both excited and worried. Growing up is always a challenge.
Well, she did a great job. The letters filled in nicely, with no runs. I showed her how clean the letters looked this morning before she went to school. She left for school feeling pretty good about her work.
Next thing I know she will be wanting to build. Can't wait for that.
Only 16 more sleeps to go!
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bow *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 5/14/2003, 12:06 pm- Tremclad
Grant -- 5/25/2003, 10:25 pm- Re: Tremclad
Robert N Pruden -- 5/26/2003, 12:01 pm- Tremclad Test
Grant -- 5/26/2003, 12:13 pm- Re: Tremclad Test
Robert N Pruden -- 5/27/2003, 2:12 am- Re: Tremclad Test
Grant -- 5/27/2003, 9:38 am- Re: Tremclad Test
Robert N Pruden -- 5/27/2003, 9:26 pm- Re: Tremclad Test Photos
Grant -- 5/27/2003, 9:35 pm
- Re: Tremclad Test Photos
- Re: Tremclad Test
- Re: Tremclad Test
- Re: Tremclad Test
- Tremclad Test
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Grant -- 5/14/2003, 8:33 pm- Re: Show Us More *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 5/15/2003, 2:37 am- Re: Show Us More
Myrl Tanton -- 5/14/2003, 11:50 pm- are you gonna use words like that during the trip?
Robert N Pruden -- 5/15/2003, 2:39 am
- Re: Show Us More
- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Bobby Curtis -- 5/14/2003, 6:07 pm- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Robert N Pruden -- 5/15/2003, 2:34 am- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Bobby Curtis -- 5/15/2003, 7:57 am- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Robert N Pruden -- 5/15/2003, 12:47 pm
- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Paul J -- 5/14/2003, 4:49 pm- LOOKS GREAT!
Patsy -- 5/14/2003, 1:31 pm - Re: Tremclad
- Tremclad