: Hello All,
: I am looking for the best way to add a ring to the bow and stern for clipping
: bow lines, tow lines, etc. I decided on a shoulder eyebolt, which is
: narrow at the base as opposed to round, so that it will fit on a narrow
: corner, such as the bow of a kayak. The only thing is that I can only find
: them in stainless, and as we all know stainless is not really stain-less.
: It will still rust. I was looking for them in bronze. Here's what I'm
: thinking: oil or wax the eyebolt real good. Drill hole in desired location
: in bow and insert, and tape in place. Make the endpour. After the endpour
: hardens cross my fingers and unscrew the eyebolt. Then I SHOULD have a
: threaded hole so that when this bolt gets a little rusty I can replace it.
: Will it work? Anyone know where I can get a bronze eyeblot? I found eye
: straps, but no eyebolts.
: Thanks,
: Malcolm
: P.S. I could also use a bronze u-bolt if ya know where I could get one. Has
: anyone ever installed a u-bolt behind the cockpit for clipping towlines?
: Would it interfere with rolling?
TenderCraft in Toronto sells all kinds of brass/bronze hardware. What you are looking for is about 1/3 way down the page.
Messages In This Thread
- Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 4:25 pm- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
Ian in Vancouver -- 5/14/2003, 7:59 pm- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
Don Lucas -- 5/14/2003, 9:09 pm- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/15/2003, 11:09 am- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
Ross Sieber -- 5/15/2003, 12:24 pm
- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
- Never use an eye bolt for towing *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 5/14/2003, 7:51 pm- Re: Never use an eye bolt for towing
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 8:24 pm- Which Knife for Kayaking?
Gordon Snapp -- 5/15/2003, 12:40 am- Re: Opinel *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 5/16/2003, 2:05 pm- I keep one in my cook kit.
Brian Nystrom -- 5/19/2003, 12:38 pm
- No more knives for me.. *Pic*
Brian Nystrom -- 5/16/2003, 12:35 pm- Re: Which Knife for Kayaking?
Shawn Baker -- 5/15/2003, 3:31 pm- Re: Which Knife for Kayaking?
Randy Knauff -- 5/15/2003, 2:35 am - I keep one in my cook kit.
- I can butter a bagel in 0.8 seconds!
Shawn Baker -- 5/14/2003, 11:09 pm- Re: I can butter a bagel in 0.8 seconds!
Kyle T -- 5/15/2003, 8:13 am- Re: I can butter a bagel in 0.8 seconds!
Shawn Baker -- 5/15/2003, 3:28 pm
- Re: I can butter a bagel in 0.8 seconds!
- Re: Opinel *Pic*
- Which Knife for Kayaking?
- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
LeeG -- 5/14/2003, 6:48 pm- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
Roy Morford -- 5/14/2003, 6:41 pm- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 7:17 pm
- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
Dave S -- 5/14/2003, 6:38 pm- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 7:15 pm- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
Shawn Baker -- 5/14/2003, 6:58 pm- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 7:52 pm- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
Shawn Baker -- 5/14/2003, 7:54 pm
- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern *LINK*
Glen Smith -- 5/14/2003, 6:36 pm- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern *LINK*
Glen Smith -- 5/14/2003, 7:21 pm- We have a winner!!! *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 7:20 pm - We have a winner!!! *Pic*
- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy