Re: Strip: Stripping the Aleutesque *Pic*
By:Bobby Curtis
Date: 5/16/2003, 8:02 am
Date: 5/16/2003, 8:02 am
In Response To: Strip: Stripping the Aleutesque (Ingólfur Hreiđarsson)
This end must have been a tough job. Your work is magnificent.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Stripping the Aleutesque
Ingólfur Hreiđarsson -- 5/16/2003, 7:32 am- Excellent! *NM*
Sam Mcfadden -- 5/17/2003, 12:13 am- Wonderful job....
srchr/gerald -- 5/16/2003, 11:29 am- I'm impressed
Myrl Tanton -- 5/16/2003, 9:42 am- Re: Strip: Stripping the Aleutesque
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 5/16/2003, 8:36 am- Re: Strip: Stripping the Aleutesque *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 5/16/2003, 8:02 am - Wonderful job....
- Excellent! *NM*