Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
By:Myrl Tanton
Date: 5/17/2003, 12:41 pm
Date: 5/17/2003, 12:41 pm
In Response To: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . . *Pic* (Charles Leach)
: Then it hit me!
: Get the camera and take his picture or no one will believe it!
: I went in the house and got the camera and somethin' cool to drink and went
: back out. You guessed it! He was gone! I looked out and he was strokin'
: half way across the yard. So I just let him go without the photo. I guess
: when I quit fussin' and went inside, he thought I had give up and quit for
: the day.
: I told you you wouldn't believe it.
: Happy Building.
: Charles.
Hmm, I wondering just how strong thouse fumes were??
Kayak's look great!. Very curious as to how this brand of epoxy holds up.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: First Glassing session completed! *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 2:08 am- You Not Gonna Believe This, But . . *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 2:49 am- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Rob P -- 5/19/2003, 11:49 am- Yet another pretty boat! Nice Work!
Robert N Pruden -- 5/17/2003, 8:51 pm- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Myrl Tanton -- 5/17/2003, 12:41 pm- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Roger Nuffer -- 5/17/2003, 5:20 pm- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 2:28 pm- Stoned Gopher?
Robert N Pruden -- 5/18/2003, 12:37 pm- Re: Stoned Gopher?
Charles Leach -- 5/19/2003, 1:02 am- Re: Stoned Gopher?
Robert N Pruden -- 5/19/2003, 10:28 pm
- Re: Stoned Gopher?
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
srchr/gerald -- 5/17/2003, 4:07 pm- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 11:23 pm
- Re: Stoned Gopher?
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Ken Sutherland -- 5/17/2003, 3:42 am- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Roger Nuffer -- 5/17/2003, 8:40 am- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 10:12 am
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
- Yet another pretty boat! Nice Work!
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
- You Not Gonna Believe This, But . . *Pic*