Date: 5/17/2003, 2:28 pm
: Hmm, I wondering just how strong thouse fumes were??
: Kayak's look great!. Very curious as to how this brand of epoxy holds up.
: Myrl
Pretty strong, Myrl. 97 degrees in the garage when I started and still in the 80's around midnight when I finished. Doors closed to keep most of the bugs out . . and the dust (kicked up by my speed demon neighbors). No climate control. And I shouldn't tell it (and certainly don't recommend it), but, no respirator or gloves cause I sweat worse than a snowman watching the temperature rise. I usually spend as much time smearing sweat as I do smearing epoxy! But, I swear that sucker was real. At least to me he was.
As far as the epoxy goes, srchr/gerald says he's used it before with good results. Don't think he'd mind me tellin that. Guess if he did, he wouldn't have told me. But, at the moment, I don't see any reason not to use the US Composites materials again. Their price is better than most and they seem like nice folks.
Anyway, gotta get to work on that yak again. But first, think I'm gonna see if I can find any gopher tracks in the front yard! You got me wondering myself now!
Have a good one.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: First Glassing session completed! *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 2:08 am- You Not Gonna Believe This, But . . *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 2:49 am- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Rob P -- 5/19/2003, 11:49 am- Yet another pretty boat! Nice Work!
Robert N Pruden -- 5/17/2003, 8:51 pm- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Myrl Tanton -- 5/17/2003, 12:41 pm- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Roger Nuffer -- 5/17/2003, 5:20 pm- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 2:28 pm- Stoned Gopher?
Robert N Pruden -- 5/18/2003, 12:37 pm- Re: Stoned Gopher?
Charles Leach -- 5/19/2003, 1:02 am- Re: Stoned Gopher?
Robert N Pruden -- 5/19/2003, 10:28 pm
- Re: Stoned Gopher?
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
srchr/gerald -- 5/17/2003, 4:07 pm- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 11:23 pm
- Re: Stoned Gopher?
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Ken Sutherland -- 5/17/2003, 3:42 am- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Roger Nuffer -- 5/17/2003, 8:40 am- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
Charles Leach -- 5/17/2003, 10:12 am
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
- Yet another pretty boat! Nice Work!
- Re: You Not Gonna Believe This, But . .
- You Not Gonna Believe This, But . . *Pic*