Date: 5/22/2003, 6:52 pm
Check back issues of Wooden Canoe -- a couple of issues ago there is a fellow south of Spokane doing that very thing in a store front and seems to be making a go of it. He also has a waiting list to get in the buuilding. I've also looked at the idea for a few years and will probably try something like that in my shop.
good luck
: During my work commute (which has gotten longer recently due to road
: construction), I started spinning out scenarios on how to merge my job
: (real estate) with my interest in kayak building. Consider this
: "market research" and your posts (good, bad and ugly) are
: requested: Here goes --
: Background. In many metro areas, the downturn in the economy has created many
: high vacancy situations, most notably in industrial real estate (at least
: in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area). This makes for attractively priced
: lease rates. After securing some modestly priced industrial warehouse
: space, I would offer (for a modest fee) individual boat makers their own
: space (demarcated on the floor) to construct their wooden boats. They
: could be anyone who is pressed for space or doesn't want to slop up their
: living quarters (or whose significant others won't let them slop up their
: living quarters). I envision a sort of "wooden boat building
: incubator", where folks were unified in their hobby and could get
: pointers by a seasoned builder who might be next door.
: Prices would have to be low to make it appealing -- say $100-$150/3 months
: (haven't run the numbers to know if they make sense) with options to buy
: other tools or supplies on site or even rent a boat building
: "toolkit" or the like for an additional fee.
: It sounds like a good idea in theory, but I may just be misjuding the
: interest level that is out there that could support something like this.
: Look forward to reading the responses.
: Greg
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Building incubators
Greg E -- 5/22/2003, 1:42 pm- renting small spaces
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/24/2003, 1:41 am- Re: Other: Building incubators
Tony W. -- 5/22/2003, 7:05 pm- it has worked
don flowers -- 5/22/2003, 6:52 pm- Re: it has worked
Shawn Baker -- 5/22/2003, 7:41 pm- Re: it has worked
don flowers -- 5/23/2003, 12:54 am
- Re: it has worked *LINK*
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 5/22/2003, 7:13 pm- You are right
don flowers -- 5/23/2003, 12:52 am
- Re: it has worked
- Re: Other: Building incubators *LINK*
Wes Tanaka -- 5/22/2003, 6:15 pm- Re: Other: Building incubators
srchr/gerald -- 5/22/2003, 5:51 pm- Re: Other: Building incubators
Jeff The Tall -- 5/22/2003, 5:04 pm- Re: Other: Building incubators
Dan G -- 5/22/2003, 4:56 pm- Re: Other: Building incubators
Chip Sandresky -- 5/22/2003, 3:34 pm- clever idea it may work...
Frank Eberdt -- 5/22/2003, 3:30 pm- Re: Other: Building incubators
Wolfgang -- 5/22/2003, 3:29 pm- Re: Other: Building incubators *LINK*
Dan Ruff -- 5/22/2003, 3:14 pm- mixed feelings on this
Myrl Tanton -- 5/22/2003, 3:14 pm - Re: Other: Building incubators
- renting small spaces