: Robert: I want to add some black accent strips on my boat on the deck, along
: the shear, along the stems and on the hull. I recalled your experience
: with lettering and the great paint job on your repaired boat.
: I just started a little test this afternoon with black Tremclad paint over
: epoxy using blue painter's stape to mark the margin.
: What is the best sequence? Finish epoxy entirely then paint? If I add a black
: accent strip to the deck can I varnish over it? Does blue painters tape on
: epoxy work well enough to keep the paint from sneaking under the tape?
: Tremclad seems viscous enough not to sneak under the tape but how many coats
: do you suggest?
: Thanks in advance, Grant
I would not use the tremclad under the epoxy. The paint doesn't have the same adhesive qualities as the epoxy so it would be a weak spot, albeit a small one if you are just painting on a name. I have never used painters tape for doing my graphics work as I have always used electrical tape very successfully. It sticks well, peels off cleanly without tearing and can be carved easily for lettering. The paint may still run under the tape a little but it can be carefully scraped off with a sharp edge the next day while the paint is still soft. I haven't found the best technique to make perfectly straight lines using the tapes but I do plan on working on this during the summer when my rebuild is completed. I'm hoping a flexible straightedge will allow me to produce straighter lines. I would suggest at least 2 coats of Tremclad. I have found that to be sufficient to completely fill in the color for the graphics. For large areas I used a foam brush, they work the best for smooth finishing without bubbles or streaking. Once the graphics are completely dry, a few coats of varnish over top will help to protect them from damaging scrapes. The varnish seems to sit well on the Tremclad without peeling. The varnish will taint any white graphics with a yellowish hue so don't apply it there unless you don't mind. Remember, the varnish and Tremclad are both good UV protectants. Unfortunately because the paint sits on top of the epoxy it is subject to damage and will need to be touched up each year or so. Of course, I would rather have it that way so I can change the graphics from time to time. Hope this helps.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bow *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 5/14/2003, 12:06 pm- Tremclad
Grant -- 5/25/2003, 10:25 pm- Re: Tremclad
Robert N Pruden -- 5/26/2003, 12:01 pm- Tremclad Test
Grant -- 5/26/2003, 12:13 pm- Re: Tremclad Test
Robert N Pruden -- 5/27/2003, 2:12 am- Re: Tremclad Test
Grant -- 5/27/2003, 9:38 am- Re: Tremclad Test
Robert N Pruden -- 5/27/2003, 9:26 pm- Re: Tremclad Test Photos
Grant -- 5/27/2003, 9:35 pm
- Re: Tremclad Test Photos
- Re: Tremclad Test
- Re: Tremclad Test
- Re: Tremclad Test
- Tremclad Test
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Grant -- 5/14/2003, 8:33 pm- Re: Show Us More *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 5/15/2003, 2:37 am- Re: Show Us More
Myrl Tanton -- 5/14/2003, 11:50 pm- are you gonna use words like that during the trip?
Robert N Pruden -- 5/15/2003, 2:39 am
- Re: Show Us More
- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Bobby Curtis -- 5/14/2003, 6:07 pm- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Robert N Pruden -- 5/15/2003, 2:34 am- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Bobby Curtis -- 5/15/2003, 7:57 am- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Robert N Pruden -- 5/15/2003, 12:47 pm
- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
- Re: Material: How I painted my yaks name on the bo
Paul J -- 5/14/2003, 4:49 pm- LOOKS GREAT!
Patsy -- 5/14/2003, 1:31 pm - Re: Tremclad
- Tremclad