: Believe me if I had that much lettering I would have done it that way too. I
: admire you. I taped mine off at first, but since I decided to wrap the
: lettering around the curve of the sheer (somehow it just looked right that
: way) it was just too darned hard, so I conjured up what I learned in art
: class and went for it. I just wanted you to know that your lettering job
: inspired me to do it. Also you confirmed my typestyle, which was similar
: to yours. By the way, love the flag too... makes a guy wish he was
: Canadian. If you do build that Night Heron perhaps you can inlay a maple
: leaf.
: I hope your daughter is better soon.
: -Malcolm
When I build the Night Heron, Malcolm, I will definitely be inlaying a Canadian flag. Inspiring each other is what the GBBS is all about. I'm glad I can help you move along to create a beautiful work of art.
My daughter responded to the antibiotics last night and she is recovering well. The hospital should be releasing her Thursday so I should be doing my trip worry free. Thanks for the thoughts.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virgin Islands *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 9:21 am- A beautiful boat in a beautiful place *NM*
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 5/27/2003, 5:34 pm- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Dave Sprygada -- 5/27/2003, 12:13 am- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/27/2003, 6:43 am
- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Steve Frederick -- 5/26/2003, 1:41 pm- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 2:05 pm
- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Robert N Pruden -- 5/26/2003, 11:45 am- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 9:27 pm- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Robert N Pruden -- 5/27/2003, 2:09 am- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/27/2003, 6:29 am
- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
- Beautiful Job Malcolm, Congratulations
Chip Sandresky -- 5/26/2003, 10:51 am- Re: Beautiful Job Malcolm, Congratulations
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 11:16 am
- Bravo!
LisaS -- 5/26/2003, 10:50 am- Re: Bravo!
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 8:59 pm- Re: Bravo!
Lisa -- 5/28/2003, 8:51 am
- Re: Bravo!
- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Brian Ervin -- 5/26/2003, 10:03 am- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Tony W. -- 5/26/2003, 10:03 am- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 10:10 am
- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 9:46 am- Re: Paddling in Paradise
Scott Ferguson -- 5/27/2003, 2:44 pm- Re: Meet at the beach, St. Thomas????
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/27/2003, 6:20 pm
- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
Rob P -- 5/27/2003, 8:49 am - Re: Meet at the beach, St. Thomas????
- Re: And her name, Robert Pruden check this out *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 9:40 am- It looks good, Malcolm
Robert N Pruden -- 5/27/2003, 2:04 am- Re: It looks good, Malcolm
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/27/2003, 6:15 am- Re: It looks good, Malcolm
Robert N Pruden -- 5/27/2003, 9:33 pm
- Re: It looks good, Malcolm
- Re: It looks good, Malcolm
- Re: And the deck rigging... Shawn check this out *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 9:32 am- Re: And the deck rigging... Shawn check this out
Shawn Baker -- 5/27/2003, 10:51 am- Re: And the deck rigging... Shawn check this out
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/27/2003, 6:13 pm
- Re: And the deck rigging... Shawn check this out
Terry Hanson -- 5/26/2003, 10:49 am- Re: And the deck rigging... Shawn check this out
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 11:11 am
- beautiful, well done....
Frank Eberdt -- 5/26/2003, 9:43 am - Re: And the deck rigging... Shawn check this out
- Re:Here's me! (And Bob Kelim's paddle)
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 9:24 am- Re:Oops... here it is *NM* *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/26/2003, 9:25 am- Re:Oops... here it is
Charles Leach -- 5/26/2003, 5:31 pm
- Re:Oops... here it is
- Re: Launching: Shearwater Atlantic 19' in the Virg
- A beautiful boat in a beautiful place *NM*