Date: 5/29/2003, 9:39 am
Thanks, but I think you get the win for quality work. Better launch conditions, too. FWIW, the compass rose is of walnut and ash edge-banding veneer. I ended up a little surprised when some of the ash toned down under the epoxy - didn't contrast to the okume nearly as much as I planned. Most is OK, but the NNW major ash quadrant almost disappeared. Think I got some heartwood for that bit. Shoulda paid closer attention.
Appreciated your tribute thoughts in the deck design of your boat. I had a moment while fitting my deck toggles when I realized I was using my great-grandfather's jackknife to bevel the hole. Looked around the shop and realized that all told, I had used four generations of tools in building her. And thanks to grandad's very sharp plane, there's a bit of my DNA under the epoxy.
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Another Osprey gets wet (and a Question) *LINK*
Dan G -- 5/28/2003, 8:17 pm- well done, nice deck pattern *NM*
Frank Eberdt -- 5/29/2003, 7:36 am- Re: Launching: Another Osprey gets wet (and a Ques
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/29/2003, 12:15 am- Re: Launching: Another Osprey gets wet (and a Ques
Dan G -- 5/29/2003, 9:39 am
- Re: Launching: Another Osprey gets wet (and a Ques
- well done, nice deck pattern *NM*