Date: 5/31/2003, 9:27 pm
Sanding always worked for me! Just hand sand edges till sharp edges are gone, then just use a cheap brush to put a thin coat of epoxy over sanded area. You should be able to do whole job in a very short time. To make it easier, you could make a small sanding block or buy one of those hard rubber sanding forms that can get in corners. (SCrap closed-cell faom would work too)
: I have almost finished my Gillmont but have found that after taping the deck
: and hull together I have some pretty sharp edges from the fiberglass tape
: I used. I am worried about putting holes in my dry bags. Has anyone found
: a good way to smooth out the inside seams? Thanks so much for this great
: forum. Joe
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: smoothing the interior
Joe Wuts -- 5/31/2003, 5:50 pm- Re: Strip: smoothing the interior *NM*
Joe Wuts -- 6/1/2003, 12:02 am- Re: Strip: smoothing the interior
rnb4tla -- 5/31/2003, 9:27 pm - Re: Strip: smoothing the interior
- Re: Strip: smoothing the interior *NM*