Date: 5/31/2003, 11:26 pm
Hi Folks
A friend of mine is weekending over in Morro Bay, Calif. and noticed this kayak tied up there and asked me what it was: name, type ( manufacturer ) and frankly, I have never seen one. So, thought I'd ask the general populace.
Not sure if it's plastic, glass or wood, but from the looks of the sheer-line I would say glass. Doesn't look too comfy for lay-back rolls. Maybe the owner is Lurking here and might want to chime in. ??
Actually, she asked " What is that?" but I assumed that after seeing all mine and reading much of what's on here for the past 6 months to a year, she probably had a good idea it was a kayak... just...... well, you get the idea.
Oh, by the way, say Hi to Margie... She can't hit me from there....