Date: 6/2/2003, 3:52 pm
: some random thoughts (some based on hear-say)
: If a tree falls in the forest it stays there, so does it energy. If it is
: logged and removed it does not. I wonder how many generations of 'usable'
: forest can be removed from an area before it can't really grow any more.
according to the foresters I talked to, most of the wood fiber is made of carbon, i.e. harvested from the air. it is the green stuff, leaves and limbs that contain most of the non replaceable nutrients. But in most modern logging methods leave the branches and tops of the trees in place.
: I wonder how they are re-seeded, In Ontario, the trees are removed and faster
: growing species are often replaced so they can be harvested earlier. I
: assume in BC it would be with Cedar again, but is it the same species?
: Just wondering, out of pure ignorance.
95% of the time, most clearcuts in the pacific north wet are replanted with douglas fir, regardless of the species harvested. Only in very shady (hemlock) or very wet (cedar) areas are something else planted. A douglas fir can reach commercial age (law of decresing returns) in about 50 years, whereas cedar is 90 years.
As an interesting point, here in the NW, there is a scrub tree that grows quickly. It's wood is very weak and prone to rot. It would quickly overtop and kill Douglas Fir seedlings. Naturally it would take root in small clearings and grow quickly. But it would usually only last 50-80 years before dieing out.
Naturally most of the forestry efforts were aimed at eradicating this menace. A short while ago, it was noticed (among forestry folks) that this tree was one of PNW few nitrogen fixing plants, and thus critical to the continued forest production.
Also in the PNW, there is a subterranian mushroom (simmilar to a truffel) that grows alongside douglas fir tree roots, it greatly enhances the nutrient gahtering ability of the trees (which the mushroom considers a waste product). This mushroom has is eaten by squirrels, who then run along the forest, pooping out mushroom spoors for the rest fo teh trees. Now these squirrels nest in standing deadwood (snags) in hollows created by the pilliated woodpecker. Loggers don't like these snags because they are dangerious to work around, and a standign tree left behind is one that is not being sold.
: One picture in the article showed a small cut patch, if viewed from the Sea,
: it would not be seen. Traveling the High ways in BC, you will not see much
: Clear cutting comparied to if you just walked up over one of the ridges
: next to the Highway. (Try looking down from a plane, flying from Vancouver
: to Calgary)
: There are much better sources of Fiber for Paper. Hemp grows much faster, and
: requires less energy to do so.
much of the wood pulp grown for paper in the pacific north wet is farm grown poplar. these are harvisted in about 8 years.
: I definatly support reasonable measures to reduce waste of wood.
: Myrl
Messages In This Thread
- Material: Resource Responsibility
ChrisO -- 5/23/2003, 11:27 am- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Chip Sandresky -- 6/1/2003, 1:53 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Colin -- 6/4/2003, 1:32 am- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Jeff The Tall -- 6/4/2003, 3:38 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Colin -- 6/4/2003, 9:53 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Colin -- 6/5/2003, 2:00 pm
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 6/4/2003, 3:37 am - Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Mark Woodhead -- 6/2/2003, 12:12 am- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Myrl Tanton -- 6/1/2003, 10:45 pm- Some Clarifications
Grant -- 6/4/2003, 10:43 am- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Jeff The Tall -- 6/2/2003, 3:52 pm - Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Don -- 5/23/2003, 7:37 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
LeeG -- 5/23/2003, 6:13 pm- Old growth wood
Dan Ruff -- 5/23/2003, 5:32 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Tom Yost -- 5/23/2003, 4:47 pm- Pessemistic and oh so true. *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 5/23/2003, 6:28 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Mike Loriz -- 5/23/2003, 5:28 pm - Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
mike loriz -- 5/23/2003, 4:26 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
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C. Fronzek -- 5/23/2003, 1:51 pm- Re: "We Have Met the Enemy+He is US"
Tom Yost -- 5/24/2003, 11:53 am- Re:Mea Culpa
C. Fronzek -- 5/23/2003, 2:02 pm - Re:Mea Culpa
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Robert N Pruden -- 5/23/2003, 1:49 pm- Re: We live, we die...
PBM -- 5/23/2003, 3:54 pm- Re: We live, we die...
Robert N Pruden -- 5/23/2003, 3:56 pm- Re: We live, we die...
Bob Kelim -- 5/24/2003, 12:44 pm- Re: We live, we die...
PBM -- 5/23/2003, 3:58 pm- Re: We live, we die...
Robert N Pruden -- 5/23/2003, 4:01 pm
- Re: We live, we die...
- Re: We live, we die...
- Re: Conservationism vs. Environmentalism
Shawn Baker -- 5/23/2003, 3:35 pm- Re: Conservationism vs. Environmentalism
Ed Falis -- 5/24/2003, 10:24 am- Definitions a bit fuzzy where I live...
Robert N Pruden -- 5/23/2003, 3:55 pm - Definitions a bit fuzzy where I live...
- Re: We live, we die...
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Dan G -- 5/23/2003, 1:42 pm- Re: Material: Recycled Cedar House Trim
Brian Wegener -- 5/26/2003, 1:03 am
- Re: Thinner strips???
Scott Ferguson -- 5/23/2003, 1:23 pm- Re: Thinner strips???
Roger Nuffer -- 5/23/2003, 5:07 pm- I love plastic
Greg Bridges -- 5/23/2003, 1:54 pm- Re: I love plastic too...
Scott Ferguson -- 5/23/2003, 2:03 pm- Re: I love plastic too...
Greg Bridges -- 5/23/2003, 2:55 pm- Re: No worries Greg, I've done the same thing
Scott Ferguson -- 5/23/2003, 5:01 pm- Re: I love plastic too...
Shawn Baker -- 5/23/2003, 3:37 pm - Re: I love plastic too...
- Re: No worries Greg, I've done the same thing
- Re: I love plastic too...
- I love plastic
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Chip Sandresky -- 5/23/2003, 12:48 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Paul J -- 5/23/2003, 12:42 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Tim Eastman -- 5/23/2003, 12:37 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
DAVE SPRYGADA -- 5/23/2003, 12:32 pm- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
Tom Yost -- 5/23/2003, 12:04 pm - Re: Material: Resource Responsibility
- Re: Material: Resource Responsibility