Re: Ooohhhhhh.... WOW!!!
By:Scott Ferguson
Date: 6/10/2003, 6:43 pm
Date: 6/10/2003, 6:43 pm
In Response To: Strip: Ta-daa.. A new stripper is born! Blow the horn!
*LINK* *Pic* (Tom Bastiansen)

: It is a Redfish Return built by Knut Nergaard in
: Hønefoss, Norway.
Tom, that is one gorgeous kayak, thanks for sharing. Actually it is one of the prettiest boats I have ever seen. Add it to the Top 10 list. It's amazing that a first time builder can produce such a craft. Beautiful. What would it take to see more photos? Could you email them to me? Or post some more? That would be great. Please tell Knut that he has done a spectacular job. He should be proud. Can't wait to see what else he builds for the second or third boat. Amazing.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Ta-daa.. A new stripper is born! Blow the horn!
*LINK* *Pic*
Tom Bastiansen -- 6/10/2003, 6:16 pm- Re: Strip: Thanks to everybody
Tom Bastiansen -- 6/13/2003, 7:04 am- WOW! *NM*
Brian T. Cunningham -- 6/11/2003, 7:17 pm- Even the toggle hole is beautiful...
David Hill -- 6/11/2003, 8:03 am- Beautiful Boat...59lbs?
Chris McD -- 6/10/2003, 11:02 pm- Re: Beautiful Boat...59lbs?
Tom Bastiansen -- 6/13/2003, 6:54 am
- Re: Strip: Ta-daa.. A new stripper is born! Blow t
Charles Leach -- 6/10/2003, 9:21 pm- BRAVO! is not enough *NM*
Danny -- 6/10/2003, 8:09 pm- Quadruple Wow!!!...
Frank Eberdt -- 6/10/2003, 7:23 pm- Re: Strip: Ta-daa.. A new stripper is born! Blow t
Steve Frederick -- 6/10/2003, 7:11 pm- Woooowwwwww...
Malcolm Schweizer -- 6/10/2003, 7:06 pm- WOW! Even the stand is pretty!! *NM*
Steve Rasmussen -- 6/10/2003, 6:58 pm- Re: Strip: Ta-daa.. A new stripper is born! Blow t
Marcel R. in Portland, Or. -- 6/10/2003, 6:51 pm- Re: Ooohhhhhh.... WOW!!!
Scott Ferguson -- 6/10/2003, 6:43 pm- Re: Ooohhhhhh.... WOW!!!
Tom Bastiansen -- 6/13/2003, 6:46 am
- good thing....
srchr/gerald -- 6/10/2003, 6:30 pm- Re: good thing....
matt orr -- 6/11/2003, 8:48 pm
- WOW! *NM*
- Re: Strip: Thanks to everybody