Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle Pre-Finish treatment *Pic*
By:Bobby Curtis
Date: 6/12/2003, 8:44 am
Date: 6/12/2003, 8:44 am
In Response To: Paddle: Greenland Paddle Pre-Finish treatment (David Hill)
I make paddles out of clear cedar. To finish them, I apply a coat of epoxy, and then wipe the paddle with a rag to remove all the excess epoxy. The wood absorbs the remaining epoxy. After it cures, I repeat the process. This results in a paddle with a surface that is protected while not being slippery. For additional protection, I apply a few coats of thickened epoxy at the tips where the paddle gets the most exposure to rocks. After being used for awhile, some of the absorbed epoxy will waste away. A quick recoat and wipe is all that is needed to restore the surface protection

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Greenland Paddle Pre-Finish treatment
David Hill -- 6/11/2003, 2:00 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle Pre-Finish treatment *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 6/12/2003, 8:44 am- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle Pre-Finish treatment
Travis Kinchen -- 6/11/2003, 3:38 pm- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle Pre-Finish treatment
David Hill -- 6/11/2003, 2:13 pm - Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle Pre-Finish treatment
- Re: Paddle: Greenland Paddle Pre-Finish treatment *Pic*