Date: 6/18/2003, 7:40 pm
Thanks for the feedback. Here is a pic of the offending paddle. What is the verdict oh wise kayak gurus?
: Paddles can break anywhere, and at anytime.
: If you are worried about strength, put a patch of two layers of 4 ounce glass
: cloth over the hole, and extending about 2 inches in all directions from
: it. That should be more than strong enough to bridge the area, and tansfer
: any loads to stronger parts of the shaft.
: It is possible that you are paranoid, but you would have to pay for me to go
: through med school before I'd be qualified (and licensed) to give you a
: definite yes or no on that point
: If you can post a picture of the area we might have a better idea of what is
: going on. Obviously, if you rout out a big enough area and patch it with a
: wood piece glued in with epoxy it will be as strong as any other wood
: joint on the paddle.

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: I screwed it up. Can I fix or do I start over?
JJ Atkinson -- 6/18/2003, 1:29 pm- The Sammy Sosa Solution: Put a cork in it
Paul G. Jacobson -- 6/18/2003, 5:14 pm- Re: The Sammy Sosa Solution: Put a cork in it
JJ Atkinson -- 6/18/2003, 5:29 pm- fishing for ideas? use a plug
Paul G. Jacobson -- 6/18/2003, 7:26 pm- Re: fishing for ideas? use a plug *Pic*
JJ Atkinson -- 6/18/2003, 7:40 pm- dowel it up
Paul G. Jacobson -- 6/18/2003, 7:46 pm- Thanks for the help - A kayak progress pic *Pic*
JJ Atkinson -- 6/18/2003, 7:55 pm- Re: Thanks for the help - A kayak progress pic
Larry -- 6/18/2003, 10:22 pm
- Re: Thanks for the help - A kayak progress pic
- Thanks for the help - A kayak progress pic *Pic*
- dowel it up
- Re: fishing for ideas? use a plug *Pic*
- fishing for ideas? use a plug
- Re: The Sammy Sosa Solution: Put a cork in it
- The Sammy Sosa Solution: Put a cork in it