Date: 6/19/2003, 3:25 pm
Kids grow quickly. They'll learn more if they're not in a boat that is too big for them. Resist the urge to build something "they'll grow into". For kids, this means a bigger boat. (For adults, this means a smaller boat)
If you had the inclination, build a SOF that will fit him now and next year, and slap another one together when he's 12.
As Kurt said, there's the Squeedunk Grebe. I love my Cormorant, and the Grebe seems to be a nicely designed boat (although I'll never fit it!). Here's a photo of Andrew Doornink in the original Grebe at SSTIKS. It's a little big for him, too, but he's a little kayak virtuoso in it.
: Well I've got my cypress cut now, I hope enough for two kayaks. I wonder what
: kayak I should build for my 10 year old boy? I thought maybe the little
: Auk but I read it might be a little wide for short arms.
Most adult kayaks are too wide for kids. Not that kids aren't able and adaptable; they just excel a bit more when the boat fits them.
: Also I thought I
: would build the Great Auk for myself. I am heavy 230 pounds, and
: short(5'7") bad combo I know. Will the Great Auk have enough beaf to
: hold me up and out of the water? Thanks Chris
: I've never been in a kayak before but I have paddled a canoe alot. So I want
: something fairly stable.
Rent a boat for awhile. You don't want to spend 300+ hours on a boat you'll quickly outgrow. Not that you'll necessarily outgrow the Auk, it's a nice boat...I'm just advocating that stability shouldn't be your only deciding factor. The Guillemot is more stable than it looks. My 230-lb non-paddler, football-player cousin promptly flipped your size, the Guillemot L would be a nice design, too. It's too big for a lot of guys--it would be a sweet fit for you.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Kayak For My Boy
Chris Borton -- 6/18/2003, 9:25 pm- Re: Strip: Hybrid For My Boy *LINK* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 6/24/2003, 12:15 pm- Re: Strip: Way too Fat For My Boy *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 6/24/2003, 12:25 pm
- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy *LINK* *Pic*
Andy Waddington -- 6/24/2003, 4:57 am- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 6/19/2003, 6:58 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy
Bill Price -- 6/20/2003, 12:52 pm
- Re: SOF or Grebe
John D. -- 6/19/2003, 5:52 pm- Re: SOF or Grebe *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 6/19/2003, 3:25 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy *LINK*
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 6/19/2003, 8:35 am- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy *LINK*
Matthew -- 6/18/2003, 10:11 pm - Re: Strip: Way too Fat For My Boy *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Hybrid For My Boy *LINK* *Pic*