:I wonder what
: kayak I should build for my 10 year old boy? I thought maybe the little
: Auk but I read it might be a little wide for short arms. Also I thought I
: would build the Great Auk for myself. I am heavy 230 pounds, and
: short(5'7") bad combo I know. Will the Great Auk have enough beaf to
: hold me up and out of the water? Thanks Chris
: I've never been in a kayak before but I have paddled a canoe alot. So I want
: something fairly stable.
Another option would be to make a folding SOF. I have a low volume 15ft X 22.5in folder and a higher volume 17.5ft X 22in folder that share the same cross sections. So, you could build the 15ft version, and increase it's length and corresponding displacement as your son grows. You would need only add to the existing tubing length and make a new skin. Coaming, footbraces, etc. would stay the same. Either can be built with a flat aft deck for easier entry and rolling.
My apologies to those who have seen these pics before.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Kayak For My Boy
Chris Borton -- 6/18/2003, 9:25 pm- Re: Strip: Hybrid For My Boy *LINK* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 6/24/2003, 12:15 pm- Re: Strip: Way too Fat For My Boy *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 6/24/2003, 12:25 pm
- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy *LINK* *Pic*
Andy Waddington -- 6/24/2003, 4:57 am- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 6/19/2003, 6:58 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy
Bill Price -- 6/20/2003, 12:52 pm
- Re: SOF or Grebe
John D. -- 6/19/2003, 5:52 pm- Re: SOF or Grebe *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 6/19/2003, 3:25 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy *LINK*
Kurt Loup, Baton Rouge -- 6/19/2003, 8:35 am- Re: Strip: Kayak For My Boy *LINK*
Matthew -- 6/18/2003, 10:11 pm - Re: Strip: Way too Fat For My Boy *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Hybrid For My Boy *LINK* *Pic*