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Re: Other: what sealent for PVC film drybags?
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 6/19/2003, 9:01 pm
In Response To: Re: Other: what sealent for PVC film drybags? (Malcolm Schweizer)

: Hello Again Sage,

: If you are sealing PVC to PVC then there is a glue that you can buy at any
: good marine chandlery. It is used to patch hypalon inflatable boats, which
: is basically PVC. Make sure it is compatable with PVC. I'm pretty sure
: that hypalon has a rubber coating and the glue may be different, but I
: think the one I bought does both.

I do believe PVC and Hypalon are two different things...Hypalon is rubber (or synthetic rubber?) based. PVC (polyvinylchloride) is "vinyl" based.

I would be interested to know what brand you used. Sounds like it might be a good "universal" adhesive.

For structural joints, it's probably best to use an adhesive specifically formulated for your fabric.

PVC's are "solvent-welded", which means the fabric is slightly melted to form the bond.

I think rubber cements (for true rubbers) will use some sort of unvulcanized rubber which vulcanizes with the addition of heat or a catalyst.


Messages In This Thread

Other: what sealent for PVC film drybags?
Sage -- 6/19/2003, 4:49 pm
Re: Other: what sealent for PVC film drybags? *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 6/19/2003, 10:28 pm
Do not use silicone *NM*
Don Lucas -- 6/19/2003, 8:22 pm
Re: Other: what sealent for PVC film drybags?
Tom Yost -- 6/19/2003, 6:49 pm
Re: Other: what sealent for PVC film drybags?
Malcolm Schweizer -- 6/19/2003, 6:25 pm
Re: Other: what sealent for PVC film drybags?
Shawn Baker -- 6/19/2003, 9:01 pm
Re: Other: what sealent for PVC film drybags?
Malcolm Schweizer -- 6/20/2003, 6:34 am