Date: 6/26/2003, 12:39 pm
: Thanks for the quick response. Can you describe what these look like? I am
: having a hard time visualizing these. How long are these? Are they affixed
: length wise? Are they affixed accross the deck hull seem?
Kent LeBoutillier has a drawing of the design of these Wedge clamps on his web site. I made up about 40 of these clamps while building a Redfish Silver last year and must say they make the job of aligning the the hull/deck joint a very simple matter. I would direct you to the Arica's Silver website to see the photos of the clamps in use but alas we took the site down recently. Roy may be able to e-mail you the photos though at one point during the building process he was downloading the photos for his own reference and he may still have them on his computer?
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: hull curling
Borre van Doorninck -- 6/26/2003, 11:52 am- Re: Strip: hull curling
Rob Macks -- 6/27/2003, 11:43 am- Re: Strip: hull curling
Borre van Doorninck -- 6/27/2003, 1:27 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling
Rob Macks -- 6/27/2003, 3:34 pm
- Re: Strip: hull curling
- Re: Strip: hull curling
Dave Sprygada -- 6/27/2003, 7:48 am- Re: Strip: hull curling
Roy Morford -- 6/27/2003, 10:03 am- Re: Strip: hull curling
Borre van Doorninck -- 6/27/2003, 1:32 pm
- Re: Strip: hull curling
- Re: Strip: hull curling *LINK*
srchr/gerald -- 6/26/2003, 5:05 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling
Brian Ervin -- 6/26/2003, 1:59 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling
Shawn Baker -- 6/26/2003, 12:12 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling
Roy Morford -- 6/26/2003, 12:00 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling
Borre van Doorninck -- 6/26/2003, 12:26 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling *Pic*
Scott -- 6/26/2003, 12:39 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling *NM* *LINK*
Scott -- 6/26/2003, 12:44 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling
Borre van Doorninck -- 6/26/2003, 1:12 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling
Roy Morford -- 6/26/2003, 1:36 pm- Re: Strip: hull curling
Borre van Doorninck -- 6/26/2003, 4:06 pm
- Re: Strip: hull curling
- Re: Strip: hull curling
- Re: Strip: hull curling
- Re: Strip: hull curling *NM* *LINK*
- Re: Strip: hull curling *Pic*
- Re: Strip: hull curling
- Re: Strip: hull curling