Date: 7/2/2003, 11:44 pm
What kind of paint did you use on the Wherry? You might consider painting the fiberglassed hull with System 3 LPU paint, followed by a clear coat. That combination should be much more durable than regular one-part paints, but still reasonably easy to apply. Others on this forum have had very good success with S3's LPU products.
: Hello. It's been more than a year since I posted here. I was building the
: Wineglass Wherry then. I am slowly getting ready to build a Pygmy Coho.
: Hopefully I'll get to start around September. My wherry was painted on the
: outside and after a year of use it shows many scratches of landings on the
: rocky shores of Maine Lakes and rivers. I was wondering whether the hull
: would hold up better to scratches had I painted the wood first and glassed
: over afterwards. One obvious argument is that the epoxy would not bond to
: painted wood but I was wondering whether anyone has done that with
: success?
: Thanks,
: Rene Braun
: P.S. Here is a picture from last weeks trip to Lobster Lake
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Painting wood before fiberglass *Pic*
Rene Braun -- 7/1/2003, 4:45 pm- Re: Epoxy: Painting wood before fiberglass
Gini -- 7/2/2003, 11:44 pm- Re: Epoxy: Painting wood before fiberglass
Robert N Pruden -- 7/2/2003, 10:34 pm- Re: Epoxy: Great looking boat! *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 7/2/2003, 12:41 pm- Re: Epoxy: Painting wood before fiberglass
Rick Sylvia -- 7/2/2003, 8:40 am- Tainting Epoxy instead of Painting wood ??
Tony -- 7/1/2003, 6:42 pm- Re: Tainting Epoxy instead of Painting wood ??
Rene Braun -- 7/2/2003, 8:43 am- is tinted epoxy tainted?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/1/2003, 7:39 pm- Ooops, I think my head is tainted *NM*
Tony -- 7/2/2003, 3:00 pm- tint + paint = taint ?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/2/2003, 6:46 pm
- tint + paint = taint ?
- is tinted epoxy tainted?
- Re: Epoxy: Painting wood before fiberglass
srchr/gerald -- 7/1/2003, 5:16 pm- Re: Epoxy: Painting wood before fiberglass
Paul J -- 7/1/2003, 4:59 pm - Re: Epoxy: Painting wood before fiberglass
- Re: Epoxy: Painting wood before fiberglass